Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,240

somewhere and sleep for a week.”

“I’m with you, brother.” Cole threw their drying rags on the ground and crept into the pond behind his sibling. “Damn, it’s cold. I thought the water would be warmer.”

“It bubbles up from the ground. The temperature stays about the same all year round.” Reno pushed away from the bank to float on the surface. “Feels good to me.”

“Yea, it’s getting better.” Cole sighed, staring up into the night sky. “Tell me something about the future.”

Reno pushed his hands through the water, paddling softly. “There are things known as robots, I guess you could say they’re like mechanical people. They have brains, of a sort. These machines can be taught how to do anything. Many folks are afraid these robots will steal all the jobs.”

“I guess they work for lower wages, don’t they?”

“And they’re smart. There’s something called artificial intelligence that enables these robots to learn and think for themselves.”

“You make them sound almost human.”

“I think that’s the problem. Someday, it might be hard to tell the difference. Robots might take over the world.”

“That’s really strange.” Cole sighed, then went on to pursue another topic. “Whatever happened to that letter Father gave you? Did it turn out to be worth anything?”

“It’s in the safety deposit box at the bank. I don’t think it’s worth a lot right now, but in Journey’s time, the damn thing is estimated to be worth millions of dollars.”

“Christ, how much is a million dollars?”

Reno laughed. “I don’t rightly know. It’s a bunch, I’ll tell you that.”

“So, Journey has all this money?”

“No, no one has the money. Her great uncle just has it locked away for safe keeping. Since Mrs. Bixby didn’t really lose all her sons to war and turns out to be a Southern sympathizer, he’s worried about protecting Lincoln’s reputation. Personally, I don’t see what difference any of that would make.”

“Neither do I. When you go to the future, you can sell it and be rich.”

“I don’t think so. I’ve already located a job as a ranch hand. I just want to be able to take care of my family. I don’t need money to be rich.”

Cole edged over to pull himself up to sit on the bank. “Will we go to the Indian village tomorrow?”

“Bright and early. I can understand if you’d rather stay here. The thought of getting back in the saddle isn’t a pleasant one.”

“Nope, you’re not getting rid of me that easy. Until you’re gone for good, I want to spend every moment I can with you. We’ve already missed too much time together as it is.”

Reno felt like he was being tugged in two different directions, but as much as he loved his brother – there was no contest. Not when it came to his wife and child. “I have to be honest with you. Making the decision to leave Journey, even to help you and Ela, wasn’t an easy one.”

“I don’t imagine it was.” Cole paused to consider the matter. “However much I appreciate the choice you made, if I’d been in your shoes, I might have chosen differently.”

Reno hit his hand at an angle against the water, splashing his brother liberally. “Now, you tell me.”

Cole laughed uproariously and Reno was hit afresh with the realization of how much he’d miss his brother when the time came for him to go.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. “Hey, what time is it?”

“I don’t know, nearly ten, I imagine. Why?”

“I have to send a message.”

Cole watched in wonder while his brother faced the sliver of a moon.

“Journey, it’s me. I see the moon and I know you’re looking at it too. I love you. I hope you’re doing well, and I miss you more than words can say. You’ll be hearing from me soon. I promise.”

“Well, that was bizarre.”

Reno chuckled. “Stick with me, brother. That won’t be the strangest thing you witness by far.”

“How do you plan on letting her hear from you?”

“If I get a package from Boston soon, I’ll show you.”

With that cryptic reply, the brothers trudged to the bunkhouse, ready for a good night’s sleep.

* * *

Bright and early the next morning, the Black brothers and Clay set out for the Indian village led by Chief Mangas, Ela’s brother. The tribe lived west of Enchanted Rock, so the trip would take most of the day. As they traveled, they took turns trying to outdo one another in outrageous claims. Of course, Reno had the advantage – but not by much.

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