Reno's Journey - Sable Hunter Page 0,13

slipped it inside. With a gentle movement, she closed the drawer. “Preferably someone who lives in the here and now.”

Stepping back, Journey sniffed and shrugged. She knew she needed to try. The prospect of being alone all her life seemed too sad to contemplate. “I know. I’ll keep my eyes and my mind open.”

“Good.” Lou checked the time on her phone. “Heck, it’s getting late. I’d better be going. You need to get up early in the morning to get to your great aunt’s. Please give her my condolences.”

“I will.”

“Is her brother conscious?”

Taking a deep breath, Journey pulled the weekender off the bed to place by the bedroom door. “He has good days and bad days. Aunt Myra said she was looking forward to reminiscing with him when possible. They’ve already called in hospice, so she wants to get to Wichita Falls as soon as possible.”

Lou nodded. “I understand. Tough. I’m sorry. I’m going to miss you.”

“Oh, I’ll miss you too. For sure. There’ll be orders to fill, so I’ll be coming into town to pick up oils when they’re shipped.” She held Lou’s gaze, then smiled. “Why don’t you plan on coming for a visit? We can go horseback riding and do some hiking. With the workload you’ve been carrying, you need a break.”

“All right.” Lou brightened. “Thanks for the invitation! I’d love to. I know it’s near Fredericksburg, but text me the address.”

“I’ll do that now.” She tapped the information into her phone to send to Lou. “The ranch borders Enchanted Rock State Park. Beautiful country.”

Lou’s eyes grew big. “Seriously? There’s someone out that way I’ve been dying to interview, if he’s available. If not, at least I can observe you in your natural habitat. Try to understand why you’re so obsessed with the place….and – you know.” She nodded her head toward the drawer holding the tintype.

A blush rose on Journey’s cheeks. “Well, I look forward to spending some quality time with you. I’ll have another pitcher of margaritas ready.”

“Sounds delightful.” Lou gave her a hug and turned to go. “You be safe, Jo.”

“I’ll be fine.” She followed her friend out and stood on the front stoop until Lou made it safely to her car. “Drive carefully. And I’ll see you soon.”

With a final wave, Lou departed. Journey locked up, then headed inside to get ready for bed. Once she showered and donned a comfortable sleep shirt, she turned on the oil diffuser to allow a calming mix of lavender and chamomile to rise into the air. “Come on, sweet dreams,” she whispered, opening the drawer of the bedside table to retrieve Reno’s portrait. With a flip of a switch, she threw the room into darkness. “Now, it’s just you and me, cowboy.” Scooting beneath the covers, she clasped the tintype to her chest like a guilty pleasure. With a sigh, Journey turned on her side and rubbed her cheek on the pillowcase, just letting her thoughts wander.

Tomorrow, I need to arrive in time to say goodbye to my aunt. There’s probably a list a mile long of do’s and don’ts. She’s a known fanatic about her pets and houseplants.

Although, I do feel sorry for her. Losing a sibling must be hard. Of course, as an only child I’ll never know.

A frown marred her delicate features.

When Aunt Myra is gone. I’ll be alone. She’s my only family. Of course, I’ll have my friends – like Lou. A husband – maybe. Certainly not Casey. After two months of dating, he’d shown his true colors. Probably because I wanted to wait to have sex. Until I was sure.

Yes, I’m old-fashioned. Like Lou implied, I belong to another time.

With a heartfelt sigh, she brought the portrait in front of her face. The only illumination in the room was from the almost full moon filtering through the curtains of the window next to the bed. In this dim light, Journey could barely make out the man’s features – but she didn’t need to see them, she’d memorized them long ago. With a contented sigh, she kissed the glass sheltering the familiar face and closed her eyes to dream.

In her mind’s eye, she could see Reno astride his horse, galloping into the night.



Astride his horse, Reno galloped into the night. “Giddy-up, Traveler.” He urged the black stallion forward. “Time’s a wasting.” His visit with Ela Blue went on longer than he’d intended. He needed to get a few winks of sleep before setting out on the next leg of his journey. Copyright 2016 - 2024