The Reluctant Vampire Page 0,25

Harper as the day had worn on. But Mirabeau's assurance that it was probably the smartest move had made her feel a little better.

Now, however, she stared in the mirror at a woman she hardly recognized and wondered what the hell she was doing.

"This is the style nowadays," Stephanie assured her, sitting up on the bed, her expression earnest.

"She's right," Mirabeau agreed. "This is what they wear at the bars and clubs."

"So, everyone dresses like pros tutes now? What's it called? Hooker Chic?" Drina asked dryly, tugging at the low neckline of the black dress she'd somehow been convinced to wear after all. Mirabeau chuckled at her acerbic words. It was Stephanie who said, "Stop fussing with the neckline. It isn't that low. You're just used to more conservative clothes."

Drina couldn't argue that point. She'd always been self-conscious at what she considered a too generous chest and so tended toward high necklines or even turtlenecks.

Sighing, she started to turn away from the mirror and immediately paused to peer down at her high heels.

"I won't be able to dance in these."

"Then kick them off before you step on the dance floor," Mirabeau suggested. "I've seen women do that."

"Is that the helicopter?" Stephanie asked, suddenly leaping off the bed and hurrying to the window as they became aware of a distant whir. Pulling the curtains aside, she peered out at the sky, and then gave an excited little hop. "It is!"

"Time to go," Mirabeau said cheerfully, moving to open the bedroom door.

"I hope I don't have to walk far in these," Drina muttered, following her. Releasing the curtains, Stephanie laughed and hurried a er them, saying, "At least you won't have to worry about blisters. The nanos will heal them as quickly as they form."

Drina didn't bother to respond; she was too busy worrying about the curving staircase ahead and making it to the ground floor without taking a header. Seriously, she really shouldn't have bought these shoes or the dress. She should have bought something she would be comfortable in. But who knew Stephanie the great puppet master-cum-cupid, would maneuver Harper into taking her out tonight?

"Never underestimate the great Stephanie," Mirabeau said with amusement from in front of her.

"Stop that," Drina snapped. Good Lord, she definitely didn't like being read. Mirabeau just laughed, but she managed to subdue her amusement as they reached the main floor and headed into the dining room.

"Oh good, the helicopter is here and - "

Drina tore her eyes away from watching her feet and glanced to Harper in ques on when his words died abruptly. He was staring at her, his mouth open, her coat in one hand and the other half-li ed toward the window as if he'd been gesturing outside to where the helicopter was. He looked rather stunned. She wasn't sure that was a good thing. He'd already seen her in the dress. It shouldn't elicit this effect, whatever this effect was. Horror was her guess.

"It's not horror," Stephanie hissed with exaspera on behind her. "It's awe. While he saw the dress, he didn't see the dress, stockings, heels, jewelry, makeup, and hair. You've taken his breath away."

"Here's your coat," Tiny announced, taking the long faux leather coat from Harper's unresis ng hand and crossing the room to hold it open for her.

"Thank you," Drina murmured, slipping first one arm and then the other into the sleeves.

"You're welcome," Tiny said cheerfully, and she swore his eyes were twinkling as he shi ed his gaze from her to Harper, who was s ll silent but had closed his mouth and lowered his arm. "Well, you two kids have fun."

Drina smiled wryly at the man, though she couldn't have said whether it was at his calling them kids when they were both pre y much ancient, or at the sugges on they have fun when she was posi ve that was impossible.

"Right," Harper said, snapping to life as she reached his side. "The helicopter landed just across the street in the schoolyard." His gaze dropped to her heels and turned, concerned. "Can you manage in those shoes? It's icy out there."

"Maybe you should wear the thigh-high boots, instead, Drina," Stephanie suggested suddenly. "Those are FMs too, but would have more traction. They'd also be warmer."

"Thigh-high boots would work with that dress," Mirabeau decided. "In fact, they'd be sexy as heck with it."

"The shoes are fine," Drina insisted, flushing with embarrassment at all the a en on. Everyone in the room was now staring at her Copyright 2016 - 2024