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wryly when the man snorted at the very possibility.

"He means it about re ring," Stephanie said sadly. "He's very depressed about what's happened in Port Henry the last couple of years."

"He just needs some sleep," Harper assured her, and hoped it was true. He liked the man. Teddy Brunswick did his best for the people in this town, mortal and immortal alike. Unfortunately, the man was nearing re rement. Unless he turned out to be a life mate for someone, they would lose him in another year or so. Harper frowned at the realiza on and thought perhaps he should suggest Drina talk to her aunt Marguerite about se ng that special skill of hers for sniffing out life mates onto Teddy. She usually found mates for immortals, but she might be able to find an immortal for him. It would certainly be handy if Teddy became one of them.

"Lucian's sending someone for the woman," Anders announced, pu ng his phone away. "I'm going back to bed."

"So are we," Mirabeau said on a sigh. "Good night, guys."

Harper murmured good night, and then glanced from Stephanie to Drina. The two females were peering at each other, Drina eyeing the girl with worry, Stephanie peering back, her expression a portrait of misery.

"I don't want to be a no-fanger," the teenager said suddenly.

Harper winced, guessing the girl had read that worry from one of them despite their best efforts to keep the thought from their minds.

"We won't let you," Drina said quietly. "We'll find a way to help you."

Stephanie nodded but didn't look as if she believed it as she lay back down and turned over to face the back of the couch.

When Drina sighed unhappily and se led back in her chair, Harper released a li le sigh of his own. He wanted to tell her everything would be all right, but he wasn't yet sure his plan would work, so simply gave her hand another squeeze and closed his eyes to sleep as well.

Chapter Eighteen

"I don't think I like helicopters."

Drina smiled faintly at Stephanie's words as Harper urged them both out of the elevator and into his apartment. In truth, she hadn't been too thrilled with the helicopter this me either. It was extremely windy tonight, and the ride had been a li le bumpy. But they were here now, safe and sound and much more swiftly than it would have been by car.

"I guess you may as well call Lucian and let him know we're here, Anders," Harper said as he shrugged out of, and hung up, his coat.

"No need."

Those two words brought everyone to a halt. Frowning, Harper moved to the end of the entry and peered into his living room. Drina could tell by the way his eyebrows rose that he was surprised, and not necessarily pleased, at who he found there. Lucian Argeneau. Drina would recognize her uncle's voice anywhere.

"How did you get in?" Harper asked, sounding annoyed.

Drina hung up her coat, kicked off her boots, and moved to join Harper as Lucian answered, "Your doorman is mortal."

It wasn't much of an answer, but pretty much said it all. Lucian had controlled the man to let him in, Drina deduced, eyeing him where he sat looking relaxed and comfortable on Harper's sofa. It was a con, of course; Lucian wasn't at all relaxed. He was reading Harper. She'd bet her life on it, Drina thought, and then s ffened when his gaze suddenly shi ed to her, and she felt the telltale ruffling as he now rifled through her thoughts as well.

Drina glared at him for it but didn't try to block him. When his gaze slid past her and narrowed, she knew before turning that Stephanie had finished removing her own outer gear and moved up to join them. Drina spared the girl a reassuring smile and slid her arm around her, then glanced to Anders as he joined them.

"Yes, I can," Stephanie said suddenly, and Drina glanced to her sharply, then peered warily at her uncle. One eyebrow was raised on his hard face, but otherwise, he looked as emo onless as ever. Standing, he walked toward them, and Drina s ffened, but he merely moved past to the closet to retrieve a long, leather coat.

"Anders, you're with me," Lucian announced as he drew it on.

The man immediately joined him at the closet, and Drina scowled. "That's it? You dragged us all the way to Toronto, and now you're just going to leave?"

Lucian shrugged. Copyright 2016 - 2024