Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,70

woman who's brought the boss down, so to speak, so many times." Henry continued to pump Libby's hand excitedly until she finally broke free from his grip.

"I'm, ah,'s, ah, nice to meet you Mr. Tremont," Libby managed to utter, not knowing what else to say.

"Likewise," Henry replied. "You know, we had an office pool going a few months ago to see how long it would take you to get wind of the boss' purchase of that old mansion in New Jersey. We were sure you'd fight him over that one, too. In fact, a couple of us were so convinced that we bet $100 each you'd win again. Why did we lose, Miss Chatham? What happened to you?" He looked at Libby apprehensively, waiting her reply.

"It's a long story, Henry." Libby's throat constricted and tears pricked her eyes as memories of her mother rushed in. "But I'm flattered to know that I have a small, but loyal, band of followers in the enemy's camp," she said, regaining a tight grip on her emotions.

"Henry! Didn't I just assign enough work to keep you busy from now until Christmas? Or do I need to double your load?" Chris's deep voice boomed from the doorway to his office. He glared at Henry, who stared down at the floor sheepishly, acting very much like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Yes sir, Mr. Darnell. I'm going back to my desk now," Henry said apologetically, still avoiding Chris's eyes. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Chatham," he called out as he scurried down the hallway.

"Why don't you come in, Ms. Chatham?" Chris suggested politely, placing a not-so-subtle emphasis on her last name as he held the door open for her.

Libby glanced down the hall after Henry's retreating figure only to see several employees cautiously poking their heads out of their offices, apparently curious about the activity in front of Chris's office. Knowing she was providing fodder for a whole week's worth of gossip, Libby straightened her shoulders and marched past Chris through the open doorway.

Closing the door softly behind him, Chris gestured for Libby to sit in one of the leather-covered arm chairs placed before his desk. Moving with the grace of a panther stalking its prey, Chris strode across the room and sat down in the massive upholstered chair from which he conducted business. His glass-topped desk, supported by two verdigris columns, was uncluttered except for a pen stand, a pad of paper, and a single, thick manila file folder placed to the side.

Libby's heart did an unbidden flip-flop as Chris trained his sharp blue-green eyes on her while she sat down opposite him. Fighting to maintain her composure despite the mounting attraction she always felt in his presence, Libby returned his gaze with cool defiance.

Chris looked as handsome and masculine as ever. A crisp, pale blue, button down shirt accented the strong lines of his face and his shirt sleeves were rolled up, as they usually were, exposing strong, muscular forearms. He wore a dark gray, three-piece suit although the jacket was carefully hung on a coat rack in the corner.

Libby watched him select a gold pen from the holder in front of him, and blushed at the unwanted memory of the passion those very fingers had incited in her. Swallowing hard, Libby hoped he couldn't detect the trail her thoughts had taken. She met his gaze, waiting for the explosion that would surely come now that he knew who she was.

With each silent second that passed by, the tension between them climbed another notch.

Chris finally spoke first, his voice surprisingly soft and gentle.

"You've been avoiding me. Why?"

Libby gaped at him incredulously. Where were the harsh words of derision? The hatred-filled epithets? The torment and anguish of betrayal revealed? His unexpected response stunned her into momentary silence.

Unsure of what to say, she tore her gaze from him to flick an imagined speck of lint off her skirt. She looked back up to find Chris studying her intently, motionless and patiently waiting to hear her explanation. His tranquil composure was making her angry.

She wanted a tiger and got a lamb.

"I didn't think because we spent one night together I had to answer to you, or anyone, Mr. Darnell. Heck, even Edwina gave me the third degree last week," Libby exclaimed. "But all this is beside the point, anyway." She stopped briefly to take a deep breath before plunging into the heart of the matter. "The name Libby Chatham is reason enough, isn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024