Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,57

his blatant arousal, Libby trailed her hands down his back with deliberate motions before stopping at his waist. Libby felt the highly-toned muscles there tighten under her embrace as he deepened the kiss. His lips were hot and greedy, melding with hers.

His hands moved lower still. The delicious sensation of silk sliding sensuously against her skin fanned the flames of raw need burning within her. Libby, nearly delirious with passion, was about to trace the length of his muscular thighs when she stopped, hearing someone nearby.

"I was hoping you two would find each other irresistible," Sister Mary Clare's voice called out in the darkness. She moved towards them, her black habit rustling with each step.

Libby quickly withdrew from Chris's embrace, frantically rearranging her dress and fingering her mussed hair. Chris straightened abruptly and cleared his throat nervously.

Sister Mary Clare eyed them with a mischievous grin. "Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to say goodbye to you before you slipped away. And to say thanks for coming tonight. You both made this event a real success."

"Forgive me, Sister. I confess I thought I could just sneak out while no one was looking," Libby said contritely.

"No apology needed. I just hope you two had a good time." Sister Mary Clare turned and disappeared into the night, calling out to them with a chuckle, "Looks to me like you are. I told you I'm a great matchmaker!"

Flustered by the interruption and still aroused by Chris's passionate kiss, Libby looked at him, only to find an icy, unemotional mask staring back at her. How could he kiss her with such ardor a few minutes ago and now act as though nothing had happened between them?

Men, she thought with growing disgust. They only want one thing and would do anything to get it. Secretly, she'd hoped after Sister Mary Clare left, he would pull her back into his sturdy, secure arms and continue the kiss. Instead, she found herself watching him coolly and casually slip his jacket back on.

“There’s something about you Libby Reed that I cannot resist. Even you agree we are totally unsuited for each other. I had no right to lead us down a path tonight neither wants to follow.” His gaze held hers.

Feeling intensely hurt and rejected, Libby addressed him as indifferently as she could, changing the subject quickly.

"I'll have the report in your office Friday morning. That was the agreed deadline, wasn't it?" Her tone was polite and professional, almost frosty, and absent of any trace of prior passion or need.

"That's actually why I sought you out tonight after I saw you leave the room, Libby," Chris replied, tugging on the sleeves of his jacket before adjusting the front button.

He continued, "I've got a really hectic week ahead. And Friday morning I have to fly to London on business, so I was wondering if I might look over the report Thursday night? I have to spend the day in New York City, but I'll be back at Harte's Desire late in the afternoon. Could you come over, say, around 6 p.m.? If the report's not quite done, just bring what you have and I'll trust you to get the rest to Mrs. McElroy on Friday."

Libby thought carefully before answering. She honestly never wanted to set foot in Harte's Desire again and she knew she'd have a hard time containing her emotions with him there. Better to have him come to her for a change. Surely she could resist any moves he might make amid the safety of her own house. Having the enemy under control on her turf suddenly made a lot of sense.

"Why don't you come to my place instead, Chris?" Libby proposed easily. "That way, if you have questions about any aspect of the report, or my research, I'll have the answers right there in my office or on the computer. It's next to the house."

"That sounds fine. Sorry to change plans like this, but I can't help it."

"That's OK."

"What time should I be there?"

"Six should give us plenty of time." Libby gave him the easy directions to her house and laughed out loud when she saw the surprise register on his face.

"We're next door neighbors," she chuckled, feeling in charge of her fate once again, "or didn't you know?"

"Well, I won't have any trouble finding you, will I?" Chris responded, looking at her somewhat sheepishly.

"Nope," Libby retorted before turning and heading out the wrought iron gate and fence that enclosed the tiny garden. "I'll see you then," Copyright 2016 - 2024