Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,53

a short tour of the building after dinner and before the awards ceremony? You know, show us the highlights of the restoration from your professional point of view?"

"Sister, you're probably a more knowledgeable guide than I am," Libby demurred. "Besides, I noticed Harvey Faunce, the preservation architect here, tonight. Surely he'd do a better job than me."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Faunce has to leave right after dinner. Maybe between the two of us, we could explain the process to these laymen," Sister Mary Clare quipped, gesturing to those seated around the table.

"I never could say 'no' to you Sister, and I'm not about to start now!" Libby grinned. "I'd be honored, but only if you promise to help out."

Dinner proceeded smoothly, with easy bantering among the guests as each delicious course was served. Although seated next to Chris, Libby carefully managed to keep any contact with him, personal or otherwise, to an absolute minimum.

Libby enjoyed learning where each person lived and relied on her intimate knowledge of the greater Philadelphia area to provide her with a mutual topic of conversation. She knew most people were familiar with at least one historic building in their neighborhood or town and were more than eager to discuss its current status with her. Libby found herself avidly listening to various tales of mis-guided restoration, clever adaptive re-uses, and several instances of demolition by neglect where the owners allowed the building to deteriorate beyond the point where it could be saved. One story of outright demolition by a local developer was told, and Libby heard Chris grimace audibly at the topic which was such a sore point between the two of them.

Silently, Libby was thankful to find several ardent supporters of historic preservation among the group gathered around the table. She hoped that some of their enthusiasm for old buildings would rub off on Chris.

Several times she felt Chris watching her closely. Always, though, he kept any personal reaction to her comments safely hidden behind a mask of indifference.

Did he suspect she was Libby Chatham? She doubted it. He'd asked her to dance, hadn't he? Surely, he wouldn't dance with the enemy he’d sworn to avenge.

Finishing the last morsel of moist chocolate cake, Libby indicated to Sister Mary Clare that she was ready to start the tour.

Libby assembled the small but curious group in the wide hallway and carefully explained the process of making scagliola along with the steps for its restoration. After taking a quick look at the freshly cleaned brick and sandstone exterior and telling about the water wash used to gently scrub it clean, Libby brought the group back inside to examine several other rooms slated for restoration.

The indoor playroom, with its innovative built-in toys of sliding board, swing, and monkey bars elicited the most reaction from the group. Libby had fun explaining how missing pieces were being replicated with the use of plaster molds, how the room was to be repainted in its original bold and lively colors as determined by a paint analysis, and how the leaded glass skylights, long ago boarded over, were to be uncovered, recreating the sunny indoor haven envisioned by its famous architect.

Every so often, Sister Mary Clare would inject a comment, but the tour was largely Libby's responsibility. She found Chris listening intently to her dialogue and was surprised when he asked several astute questions about the project. She couldn't decide if his interest was motivated by personal curiosity or, more likely, by the desire to know how his million dollar contribution was being spent.

Libby returned the group to the cafeteria, just as the dais was being moved into place for the awards ceremony.

Deciding she'd had as much of Chris's presence as she could handle, Libby pulled Sister Mary Clare aside and began thanking her for the evening. Sister Mary Clare, however, insisted that Libby stay at least through the awards speeches, even if she didn't want to partake in the dancing that was to follow.

Not wanting to slight the woman, Libby sat down and listened to the Monsignor introduce Chris to the audience. Amidst a standing ovation, Chris approached the podium, appearing somewhat embarrassed by the loud show of approval. Holding his hands up to gain their silence, he cleared his throat and began speaking.

At first, Libby only half-listened to the thank you's Chris acknowledged in his speech, delivered with the usual humbleness of a speaker wishing to share the praise.

At the mention of her name, however, Libby bolted upright in her chair.

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