Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,44

nicely with the distinctive architecture of Harte's Desire. The office buildings could also be re-designed, and located differently, so that they compliment Harte's Desire and retain its magnificent view of the Delaware. Importantly, the vineyard will be spared. As an added attraction, you can add a tasting room and develop your own winery under the Harte’s Desire label. That, too, will attract another type of guest."

She met his studied appraisal of her, their eyes locking as if in battle.

"I think you're overlooking the appeal, the draw, of this famous mansion, Chris. It's well known--almost legend--in the tristate area. There's already lots of competition nearby, as you know. They're modern hotels with conference centers, offering state of the art meeting rooms that are little more than cookie cutter boxes filled with digital projector screens, computers, and a jungle of lights."

"You're ready to tear down the one thing that could set your conference center apart from all the others. The one thing that would make it unique, different, desirable.” She paused. “Profitable."

Libby noticed a flicker of interest at her mention of profit. Perhaps, she thought, the promise of making money was the only real way to gain attention.

"I've wandered around Harte's Desire long enough now to know that while it needs a thorough cleaning and some fresh paint, structurally it appears to be sound. Granted, it would need new bathrooms and a kitchen, new wiring, plumbing, and HVAC systems, but I’d be willing to bet the overall cost to restore and rehabilitate Harte's Desire would run about the same as the cost of demolition and erecting a new building. And, there are tax credits to make it even more lucrative."

"Just think of it, Chris. For the same cash outlay, you could have a meeting place unlike any other within a two hundred mile radius."

Libby stopped, her heart racing from the impassioned plea she had just made. She felt tremendous relief having finally defended her position about Harte's Desire. She loved this old mansion and would fight to save it until the bitter end. She looked at Chris tentatively, waiting for a reaction to her plan.

"Anything else, Elizabeth?" Chris said calmly.

"Haven't I've said enough?" Libby asked incredulously. This was not the reaction she was expecting.

"Do you remember who you're talking to?" Chris stated, the sarcasm dripping off his voice like warm honey.

"Of course I do, Mr. Darnell," Libby retorted with growing uneasiness.

"Then you know that I couldn't possibly consider using Harte's Desire as my conference center." His voice was dismissive. "It's too old, too out-of-date, and would take far more money than you dream of to fix up like you envision. I've never had any great love for old buildings--as you so well know--and now that I've lived in this heap of falling plaster and peeling paint, I'm more convinced than ever it will be a blessing when it comes down."

Not one to quit easily, Libby hastily replied, "Before you jump to conclusions, why not do a feasibility study to see what the costs would actually be? I know just the architectural firm to call, and the study wouldn't be that expensive."

"And spend even more money on this site, Elizabeth?" Chris was about to remind her of all the dollars she had cost him on other projects, but decided he wasn't ready to confess he knew her secret. He chose a different approach instead.

"Need I remind you of my generous contribution to the historical society, Miss Reed?"

"So chalk one up for charity, Mr. Darnell. Surely you could use the tax deduction?"

"Or of the money I'm spending on this ridiculous report of yours the state is forcing me to submit?"

"I've seen your cost estimates. My fee is a drop in the bucket compared to the millions you're spending, and the greater millions you'll be reaping on this development."

"Then let me make this crystal clear. I'm Christopher Darnell, the guy who hates historic buildings. Remember? I have no intention of saving Harte's Desire no matter how many arguments you present me to keep it. It's sitting on eighty acres of prime real estate. Land that I'm going to develop without any interference from you, lady."

His harsh words made Libby realize he was clinging to his position as tightly as she was to hers. It was a no-win situation she thought, then corrected herself. He was the winner and had been all along. He owned Harte's Desire and the magnificent acreage around it. As always, he was in total control.

Libby stared at him, her eyes stinging Copyright 2016 - 2024