Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,41

roll, she unfurled it on the table and stared in amazement at what she saw.

Yellowed with age and tattered from years of storage, the original architect's drawings for Harte's Desire lay before her. It was the dream of every preservationist to see what a building looked like when first erected. With great care, she flipped through each large page, her excitement mounting as she saw plans, sections, and elevations for the house she dearly loved. In addition to showing room placement and construction elements, the drawings showed light fixtures, mantel designs, and hardware specifications.

The dining room was silent except for the rustling of paper as she examined each sheet. Libby looked up at Chris, her eyes wide with the thrill of discovery.

"What else is in there?" she asked eagerly.

Chris gestured to the box, "Go ahead, see for yourself." Her excitement was almost contagious.

She pulled out the contents, gasping with delight at the huge stack of photographs, also worn and faded from age. She hadn’t seen these when they inspected the attic a few Saturdays ago.

Each was mounted on heavy cardboard and Libby immediately recognized them as albumen prints, so-called because they were printed on paper with a protective coating made from egg whites. They were glossy but not as brilliantly glossy as modern day photos and their tones were light sepia rather than stark black and white. Each print was embossed across the bottom with the photographer's imprint, "Theo. Baxter, Photographer, Trenton, NJ."

Most of the photos appeared to be taken during the first years after Chester and Amanda moved in. Apparently feeling the need to document their creation, they had photographed almost every room in the mansion. Libby examined each photo carefully, commenting on the differences and similarities between each room past and present. The kitchen alteration was obvious, and some of the furnishings had changed, but not many. So had some of the wallcoverings and light fixtures. Overall, though, Harte's Desire had been modified precious little through the years.

At the bottom of the stack, Libby discovered a photo that nearly took her breath away. It showed Chester and Amanda standing in the gazebo, surrounded by Amanda's magnificent rose garden. Despite the absence of color in the photo, the beauty and majesty of the garden fairly leapt from the print. The Harte's were holding hands and Amanda was smiling broadly at Chester, her eyes clearly reflecting the love and adoration she so obviously felt for him. The harmony of the garden in full bloom around them provided the perfect backdrop.

I want to love like that, Libby thought wistfully as she beheld the depth of emotion magically captured for all time in the photograph.

Finding photos of Chester and Amanda made them seem that much more real and Harte's Desire suddenly sprang alive with alarming clarity. Real people lived, laughed, and loved here. When Harte's Desire was demolished, more than plaster walls and wooden studs were being destroyed.

Libby's heart sank as she visualized, yet again, the mansion's unfortunate fate. Not willing to let Chris see her misery, she kept her eyes trained on the priceless documents and photographs in front of her.

"These are wonderful, Chris. May I borrow them? I'd like to scan everything in here to include with the report."

"You can have them, Elizabeth. I surely don't need them, do I?"

Libby ignored his sarcastic remark, biting back a sharp retort in fear she'd say something she'd later regret. "Thank you, and with your permission I'll give them to the historical society when I'm done with them.” She started rolling the drawings with great care. “I’ll be out of your way in a minute."

Edwina's voice crackled over the intercom. "Mr. Whitty on line one, Mr. D."

"Thanks, Edwina," Chris replied. He watched Libby pack up the box and make a hasty retreat out the door. Eyeing her keenly as she left, he acknowledged what a professional she was. It was obvious she loved her work; the way she handled the drawings and photos was proof enough. Little wonder she was so highly recommended by Rich Stone.

He felt a pang of regret knowing she would grieve when Harte's Desire was demolished. Chris dismissed the feeling as quickly as it came. It was only an old building, after all. What he was erecting in its place would benefit the entire community much more. He’d been a fool to kiss her in the vineyard, he acknowledged. They lived in separate worlds indeed.

He pressed the telephone button and picked up the handset.

Chapter Sixteen

Libby carefully balanced the faded Copyright 2016 - 2024