Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,38

brambles, the trail twisted, turned, and meandered. Undeterred, Chris watched closely to make sure he was following in her footsteps. So far, it seemed he was.

After several minutes of wondering if she’d made a wrong turn, Libby finally entered a clearing with a commanding view of the river. A large outcropping of rocks afforded the perfect spot to sit and admire the view. The peace and quiet of this almost-heavenly place made her almost forget why she was here. She set the camera down and looked in both directions, pleased to find the original vines, although terribly overgrown with weeds, straggly, and unpruned, still lived. Despite the lack of care, many bore small clusters of grapes in a variety of colors.

She was right. The vineyard had survived, but barely.

What to do, she wondered? Harte’s Desire was that much more special now that the vineyard had been discovered fragile, but intact. She could think of no other place along the Delaware River that compared. Libby snorted with frustration. Surely the vineyards were standing where one of Chris’s office buildings was planned. She hadn’t seen the site plan drawings, but it didn’t take much imagination to know the river view setting was just as perfect for grapevines as it was for office space.

She heard Chris’ arrival before she could see him as he traipsed through the overgrown path and strode into the clearing.

“You’re not really dressed for a hike along the riverbank,” she wryly observed.

“I do look rather out-of-place in a business suit here, don’t I?” he admitted, his eyes sparkling in the bright, mid-day sun as he sat down next to her on the rock.

“I’m surprised you could take time away from your busy day to follow me down here.”

“I needed a break,” he said simply.

Libby silently admired the perfectly-tailored navy pants and form-hugging white dress shirt that displayed his fit physique to perfection. Doing her best to ignore the ever-present attraction she felt for him, she waved her hands in both directions. “The vines are here, Chris, just where they’re supposed to be.”

Chris looked around then walked over to the closest plant, pulling away some brambles and weeds. “There’s even some grapes on this one. Not ripe enough to sample, though,” he commented.

Libby chewed her bottom lip with worry. “I know this is a long-shot, but what do you have planned for this location?”

“Probably one of the office buildings,” he replied, returning to sit next to her.

She let out a long sigh. “That’s what I thought you’d say.”

“I can show you the site plan if you’re interested.” He studied her carefully, waiting for her response, speculating where the conversation was headed.

She laughed with derision. “I’m not interested, Chris. We’re on opposite sides of the table, here, remember? You know it. I know it.”

“I’ve never lied to you about my plans, Elizabeth.”

“I’ll give you that, Chris. And, I have to be honest with you.”

Chris straightened, wondering if she was finally going to reveal her past identity.

“I only took this job because I needed the money. I mean really, really needed the money. Now I’m sorry, because at every turn I am reminded of the mansion’s ultimate fate. And sanctioning its demise is not who I really am.”

Chris waited anxiously for her to continue, hoping for a heartfelt confession.

She looked at him with frank appraisal. “You caught me at a weak moment. I only have myself to blame.”

“But Elizabeth,” Chris interrupted. “You forget that the town--and the historical society--are behind me with this project. They’ll benefit in so many ways…new jobs, tax ratables, the old school gets restored, new life for Borden’s Landing…”

“I know, I know. But I’m starting to think that I’m the only one who sees just how unique this property is, Chris. Between you and me, I wish I’d never taken this job.” She watched him flinch at her words.

“You’re not quitting, I hope?”

“I’m many things, Chris, but I’m not a quitter. You’ll have your report on time as we agreed. And the state office will find no fault with it.”

Chris watched as she spoke, determination and sorrow furrowing her brow. He didn’t stop to understand why her words had such an effect on him, why he should suddenly care about her opinion. Without thinking, he leaned over and kissed her. At first, his lips met hers with a tender hesitancy, lingering and savoring the feel of her skin against his. He did not know why he did it, but it was the right thing to do. For him, Copyright 2016 - 2024