Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,24

her appearance Saturday night. Without thinking, I let it slip to her mother that I'd suggested you try the place for dinner this weekend. She must've run and told Courtney."

"Yes, Courtney came up to my table, alone, with some trumped up excuse of needing a ride home. She had some story about eating there with her folks, but they left, and I forget why she said she stayed behind."

Chris was getting irritated all over again, just remembering her thinly-veiled attempt at seduction. The deeply-exposed cleavage, the tight outfit clinging to every curve, the make-up too heavily applied. It was obvious to him she was out for the kill and had him lined up in the crosshairs of her matrimonial gun sights.

A month ago, he might have been interested, but not now. His project at Harte’s Desire and his plan for revenge were all consuming.

"What else could I do, Edwina? The lady said she was stranded, so I gave her a ride home, then came back here for a quiet and peaceful night at this idyllic home-away-from-home." The last words were spoken with sarcasm.

Edwina raised a suspicious eyebrow. "That's all you did? Take her home?"


"To her house?"


"Not back here?"

"That's right."

"Since when have you ever turned down a beauty like that Mr. D.?"

"She's not my type, Edwina. Now stop your ceaseless matchmaking and get back to work," he teased gruffly. The woman was going to drive him nuts until he got married and settled down.

A recognizable blur of blue and red passed by one of the kitchen windows, catching Chris's attention. He gingerly walked to the window, craning his neck to see which way Libby was headed now.

Edwina watched Chris stare intently out one of the large, multi-paned windows. Following his gaze, she saw Libby on the back patio, trying to find the best shot of the terraced gardens. Libby appeared to be thoroughly absorbed in the task at hand, checking and rechecking the light, distance, and angle. She was wearing slim-fitting jeans and a red plaid shirt, looking as though she could just as easily be a construction worker as a business executive. Edwina noticed her hair was worn down today, its golden waves highlighted by the warm May sun.

Edwina recalled the obvious attraction Chris and Libby felt for each other but tried to deny the other day. Maybe, just maybe, she thought intuitively, there was something going on between her employer and Miss Reed. It made sense. His testy frame of mind, his peering out the windows at her all morning. Chris wouldn't admit to the cause of his soreness, but she suddenly suspected Miss Reed had something to do with it.

Edwina itched to pursue her hunch, but knew she'd only be sidetracked by more of Chris's evasive answers. He wasn't in a confiding mood today. And, he'd just told her to resume working. She loved her job as much as she admired him and didn't want to risk losing her employment because of his quirky temperament. Better to keep her mouth shut and follow the boss' orders for a change.

"I'll be in the pantry if you need me, Mr. D.," she called out to him as he kept his eyes trained on the lithe figure outside.

“When Miss Reed comes in, please send her into my office,” he called after her. “We have some things to discuss this morning.”

An hour later, a polite knock on the dining room door announced Libby’s arrival. He pushed some papers aside, motioned her in, and watched her take a seat in the side chair closest to him while setting her camera, tape measure, flashlight, and notebook on the table.

Chris carefully studied her while maintaining a mask of calculated indifference. He was fascinated by the expressiveness of her eyes as she looked up at him. Sharply he reminded himself to concentrate on the purpose of their meeting and remember the evil she had done him in the past. Suddenly, it was easy to see her for the adversary she was.

“Miss Reed,” he began not bothering to temper the cold tone of his words. “I know I’ve given you a lengthy assignment, but I’m wondering if you could take on one additional task this Saturday, preferably in the afternoon?”

Libby looked at him, clearly puzzled. “And what might that be, Chris?”

“I’m having an architectural salvage company strip the mansion before I demolish it.” He watched with satisfaction as she blanched at his words. He knew he was hitting home and it felt good.

“I thought perhaps we could Copyright 2016 - 2024