Reluctant Deception - Cambria Smyth Page 0,17

going to tell him the truth, if ever.

"Libby," he vocalized out loud. The name suited her so perfectly.

He recalled his conversation Friday morning with Rich Stone, head of the state office. When Stone told him about the report on Harte's Desire that had to be filed, Chris inquired if there was anyone locally Stone could recommend who was qualified to do the job.

"You've got one of the state's best consultants living practically in your back yard, Mr. Darnell," Rich Stone had replied. "Libby Reed lives in Borden's Landing and I can't speak highly enough of the caliber of her work. She's had a lot of dealings with my office and I can tell you that if anyone can do it, she can. And, if I may be frank with you, Mr. Darnell, you're darned lucky Libby was out of town when you bought the property. I know she would've fought you tooth and nail to save that place."

Mention of the name "Libby" had momentarily taken Chris by surprise. He knew of only one Libby--Libby Chatham--the woman who had cost him millions of dollars in legal fees, forfeited options, and lost profits from projects that were scrapped because of her meddling.

A simple question put to Rich Stone solved the mystery as he learned of her name change a few years ago. They hadn't met as foes in well over two years so it was entirely possible she could have moved and resumed using her maiden name without him knowing it.

He hung up the phone thoroughly livid that he had unknowingly agreed to let her use Harte's Desire. True, it wasn't for her benefit, he acknowledged, but had he known the charmingly attractive and all-too-capable Miss Reed was really Libby Chatham, he would have taken great pleasure in thwarting her plans for a change.

How he would have gloated as he denied her use of the mansion in retribution for those times she'd challenged him and won. He would have relished the look on her face at his words, knowing that for once he was the victor, and not her.

And why hadn't anyone on his staff mentioned just how attractive she was? Chris was almost embarrassed that he'd never met her in person before yesterday. He'd only glanced at the newspaper articles about her which his PR department clipped and placed on his desk. The damning headlines were all that caught his eye. If he'd bothered to personally appear at the various public meetings she attended, he would have been able to recognize her for the enemy she was.

Well, he knew now, he scolded himself, taking another swallow of beer. It was a pity she was so damned desirable. But that hadn't altered the plan for revenge he formulated after talking with Rich Stone.

His first thought was to confront her with the truth, letting her know in no uncertain terms that he hated her dishonesty as much as he hated her. He would then coldly withdraw his permission to use Harte's Desire for the dinner dance. Maybe she would beg him to change his mind, although he wouldn't, no matter how hard she pleaded.

Unfortunately for him, he was a man of his word. The kind of man who wouldn't even now take back something he already promised, as much as he might want to.

After discarding that plan, another quickly came to mind. He mulled it over, examined it from all possible angles, and knew he'd come upon the perfect revenge.

Of course, he couldn't hire Libby Chatham to do the work. He had his pride, and she had her secret. But he could hire Elizabeth Reed, pretending he didn't know her true identity. Stone hinted that Libby probably needed the work, so Chris figured she wouldn't turn the job down.

And it was perfect, hiring her to study her beloved Harte's Desire before he tore it down. Poetic justice at its best, he decided, popping a cold French fry into his mouth. And he would find every opportunity to involve her in its pending demolition.

But he hadn't counted on his unexplained fascination with her. Their meeting yesterday had gone exactly as he hoped when she readily agreed to take on the assignment. However, the last thing he expected was her bold condemnation of him and his demolition plans. What spunk!

Yes, Libby Reed was like no other woman ever met, he admitted silently. Maybe it was a mistake hiring her. She would be around the building constantly for several weeks, but that was the whole point, Copyright 2016 - 2024