The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,78

your territory. They have about seventy-five members, if I recall. I'll have to check the file to make sure. First, which one of you was responsible for him?"

Matt held up a hand. "Interestingly enough, me. I guess my territory expanded, now didn't it?"

"Sounds like it. I take it you won't be giving his pack away, huh?" Ash teased, checking his phone before looking up again. "I was close. Seventy-seven members. I'll note you’re accepting what's rightfully yours."

"No point leaving them leaderless, not when they're close enough to absorb into my pack. I'll file whatever paperwork is necessary to merge the packs into one."

Scratching the side of his neck, Ash looked around at the different alphas. "Sounds good. Have your beta contact my office. They'll tell him what to do. What about the Alpha from Westwood? Since we have another alpha standing here, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he was your handiwork?" His eyes settled on Tucker, who immediately nodded. Ash winced. "I hate to say it, but you'll face the same problem he did—lack of space among the humans, with limited opportunities for pack runs."

Tucker took that in, looking down at the dead wolf before squaring his jaw as he looked back up. "You’d be correct in that he was my kill. What happens if I don't want the pack? Or if I took them on, do you think you’re attached to where they are? I don't want to leave them defenseless, but I'm not a big fan of the LA basin. You said they rent, right? Maybe your office could help me find some land to buy within the territory, providing the pack has any money to speak of."

"There’s the rub. I can offer them places up north with space, but they don't have any money. They touch base every six months, hoping to find abandoned or foreclosed pack lands they can pick up for a song. It happens sometimes when packs lose their way, but it's not as common out here as it is in other territories. If you don't take them, I imagine they will probably disband and become part of other packs. Might be the best thing all around, considering."

When Ash was done, Matt spoke up, turning to Tucker with an excited gleam in his eye. "What if I could offer you some land? I'd have to run it by the Gamma Council, but I don't see why they'd have a problem. Especially when we’ve now gained Barstow. I'd be willing to sublet a corner of our territory to your pack. I know precisely the spot, too—Apple Valley. You know the area because we had to pass right through it on the way to the neutral spot for the challenge last month. We aren't doing anything with the land. It's sitting there, unused. And given its location, with enough time and some old-fashioned ingenuity, you could probably build something and eventually buy the land if you wanted. But don't think you can ever talk me out of Barstow. Won't happen."

"Why not? Do you have a driving need to control the area surrounding the only highway to Vegas?" Tucker grinned, then looked down as he considered the offer. "You know what? I like it. Not only will it give the city wolves a way out of their urban hell, but it keeps all of us within shouting distance." He nodded to Ash. "I'll do it. I officially accept what's rightfully mine."

"Sounds good." Ash took a moment to shake each of their hands, saving Matt for last. He held on to Matt's hand longer than the others. "I have to tell you, Matt. I like having you around. You make my job easier than it's ever been. Be careful, though. You might get marked to take my place one day."

As if scalded, Matt yanked his hand back. "No thanks, Ash. There's no political aspirations here. I'm a small-town alpha who wants to live a peaceful life with my mate and raise a family within a loyal pack."



Two weeks to the day after those rat bastards tried to come after me, Elisha went into labor. I woke to find him growling and covered in sweat, sitting in a puddle where his water had broken.

When the contraction making him bite his fist and growl through the pain finally subsided, I stupidly asked why he hadn't gotten me up sooner. His snarled response—I could fuck off because he thought one of us deserved to sleep as long Copyright 2016 - 2024