The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,68

seem. I keep getting bigger every day, and it's so much work to make my body do what I want. And then you lift me around like it's nothing. If I didn't like those muscles of yours so much, I might have to hate you." He stopped to run an appreciative hand over my chest.

As much as I enjoyed his touch, I caught his hand and shook my head. "No distractions, little wolf. At least not with the door unlocked. You were about to tell me about the nannies you interviewed, I believe?"

"The nannies. Yes! They were all good, but I found one I want to hire. She’s doing a trial run right now and spending time with Noah. Her name is Brenda, and she's overqualified for the position, to be honest. She’s in her mid-twenties and has a teaching degree. I didn't meet her before because she was finishing school. Brenda wasn't sure if she was going to come back to the pack or live among the humans, but when her parents told her about us and all the changes we're making, she decided to head home. Which leads me to the next thing I want to talk to you about."

I banged the back of my head against my chair a few times. "Why do I think this is going to cost money? Don't get me wrong—I don't mind. But if I have to sit across the table from Fredo's calculator while the Gamma Council makes me sit through another budget meeting, fair warning, I'm dragging you in there with me." Now that I'd reinstated the powers they should've had within the pack, the gammas had been having a field day. Every time I turned around, another budget meeting or necessary vote had to happen immediately.

Gripping my chin in one hand, Elisha squished my cheeks between his thumb and forefinger to give me fish lips while playfully making my head turn from side to side. "My poor Alpha. He came to save us all, only to suffer a slow death by committee." He squealed and jerked his hand away when I licked his thumb.

Laughing, I booped his nose. "You tease, but I'm most likely to die in the middle of a meeting. But don't worry. They'll have a vote on it first." After shuddering dramatically, I reminded myself we were attempting to have a serious discussion. "Sorry, there was something else you wanted to talk about? First, tell me if you hired the overqualified but seemingly perfect Brenda."

He hummed as he rocked his hands from side to side. "Kinda? I mean, I hired her for now, but I have bigger plans. Do you know what this pack is missing? A school. We have a one-room schoolhouse, but it hasn't been used in several years, from what I was told. After the last teacher left, they couldn't get Horace to hire anyone else. A few families drive their kids to human schools in some of the nearby towns, but it’s a hardship, and a few families homeschool, but parents should have a choice. Some of the Newberry Springs people who came here are also qualified teachers. Christina, for one. But I could list a handful of others. And who knows about the pack members I haven't gotten to know yet? Horace didn't let me leave the house very much, so I have a lot to learn about our packmates."

Thinking his words over, I pursed my lips. How had he read my mind? One of the things I’d been considering was how we needed to grow as a pack and offer more things to our community. Most importantly, educational opportunities.

When I said as much to Elisha, he smiled indulgently. "Let me think, could it be because we’re on the same page? I’m simply glad I can help. You’ve had a lot on your plate, and you're still getting a handle on your new job. Even if your dad did prepare you, that was years ago, and I'm sure he hadn't covered a lot because you were young. You’re a brand-new pack Alpha, and you're having to rebuild the pack after years of neglect. We're going to come across a lot of things we need around here, and we'll deal with them as they pop up. Don't forget, you've got me at your side. We're a team, right? We both have different strengths we can use to support each other."

"How are you only nineteen? I may have a decade on you and Copyright 2016 - 2024