The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,65

lay over my stomach. "I love you so much, Matt. That was amaaazing. You literally fucked me into a dry come."

"I love you too. And can I add I am liking the dirty mouth you're developing in the bedroom?"

My first reaction was to feel guilty and calculate how much I owed the swear jar. But then I remembered the loophole and glanced over my shoulder with a teasing grin. "I'm glad you like it. I'm happy this is one place I don't have to worry about tender ears overhearing anything they shouldn't."

Chuckling again, Matt kissed my shoulder. "I'm just hoping the sexy little howl you gave off toward the end there didn't wake them up."

I was midway through a drowsy yawn when a loud crack of thunder rumbled overhead, and our curtains glowed from the bright white bolt of lightning lighting up the sky. Snuggling back against Matt, I was about to say something about how close the storm had to be if there was no separation between the thunder and lightning. I didn't have to when rain started slamming the windows so hard it sounded like rocks hitting the glass.

Sighing softly, Matt rested his chin on my shoulder. "I wish I could take comfort in a good summer rainstorm like I would if we were up north. This won't do anything to help California's drought. At least not in our neck of the woods. We'll be lucky if we don't have flooding, but we’ll definitely have to contend with a lot of mud tomorrow. Those unpaved roads are going to be riddled with clumps and ridges which will dry like cement. I'll have to use a grader to smooth everything out and make it drivable again. Unless I get lucky and it passes before people start driving around and screwing the roads up in the first place."

Smiling into the darkness, I loved discovering something my normally positive mate could get grumpy about. How an otherwise innocuous summer storm irritated him this much was particularly amusing.

A little while later, I was caught somewhere in the odd place of neither completely awake nor asleep when Matt carefully slipped out of me, his knot finally deflated. He murmured something about cleaning us before crawling out of bed and slipping into the bathroom. I had enough energy to muster a weary smile when he came back a few seconds later—or maybe hours, who could tell? Not me. While the storm raged outside our windows, I was slipping into a place where time had no meaning.

My eyes drifted shut, and sleep pulled me under. I gratefully fell to its sweet embrace, only to snap awake almost immediately when Matt started dressing me in pajama pants like a life-size baby doll. Blinking drowsily, I yawned and tried to coherently ask what the hell was going on, but what came out was something like, "whaaamazzittflp."

A few yawns later, his lips brushed over mine when he climbed back into bed. "Sorry to disturb your sleep, little wolf. The entire time we were knotted together, or at least the part after the storm came up out of nowhere, I couldn't stop worrying about Noah coming to find one of us if he got scared and accidentally getting answers for sex questions he's too young to even be curious about yet. Sure, he might ask where babies come from, but he has no reason to wonder about knots. Dear God, all I could think was I would be responsible for traumatizing our little man forever."

As badly as I wanted to laugh, he wasn't wrong, and I definitely didn't want either one of my brothers to stumble in here and find us naked and stuck together in our post-coital bliss. I woke up enough to mutter. "If they did, I'm pretty sure I'd be the one traumatized forever. But do you know how much I love you for worrying about it?" I turned and rolled over into his embrace. Almost instantly, all thoughts of disturbed brothers and the horror of being on display drifted away as sleep claimed me.

It felt like no time had passed when a particularly loud clap of thunder jolted me awake. Almost immediately, our bedroom door flew open so fast it banged into the wall. Luckily, I was aware enough to avoid being trampled when a completely terrified Noah scrambled onto the bed and dove right in between us with his new best friend Luci-boo the bear tucked firmly in the crook of his left arm. Copyright 2016 - 2024