The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,6

our Delta soldiers were killed, and the others were either taken or left to die. Isaac—our current epsilon healer—saved the ones he could. I have all the wounded here, along with the four gammas from our ruling council.”

He paused barely long enough to take a breath. “We've sequestered ourselves in the alpha mansion. Monty and his men left a few hours ago with every able man and boy of working age. They took them back to Newberry Springs, leaving women and children and the elderly or physically challenged men behind. About thirty-one pack members remain, aside from the council and the injured deltas. Matty, I’m turning to you because I don’t know what else to do. I can't protect them and the alpha mate at the same time. And I certainly can’t claim him. I need help from a real alpha who I can trust to save both Elisha and our pack."

When I heard Monty had left his son behind, I knew immediately I would do as Jared asked. I still had a few questions, though.

"Jared, I remember Monty Whitetail as being a hardass. But surely he didn't mean to basically murder his own son? Especially when he's pregnant? He knows about the pup, doesn’t he? Exactly how long has my uncle had this omega there? I've calmed down, so I'm thinking our packs are no more than an hour apart. Why didn't Monty save his son sooner? I mean, he has to have been there at least a few weeks, right? Detecting the pregnancy before then would’ve been impossible unless your healer stumbled over it during an examination or something."

As if it broke his heart to say the words, Jared spoke solemnly. "Your uncle brought Elisha here over six months ago. His father had more than enough time to find and rescue him. The truth is, he's been negotiating with Alpha Horace for a payout. When our Alpha didn't meet his terms, Monty threw down the challenge. Understand this, Matthias. Monty doesn't want Elisha back. He told me—and this is a direct quote—to let the mutt die. He said his only worth was as a bartering chip for a pact he'd been trying to make with an alpha in Arizona. Their deal fell through when Elisha was stolen, and Monty focused on getting some sort of payback from Alpha Horace. Now Monty has everything he wants and no reason to rescue someone he considers used goods."

"Fuck! I have to do this, don't I?" I was speaking more to myself than to Jared.

"We need you, Matty. We need you to save Elisha and to save our pack. We could’ve used your leadership for years. But now you're our last hope. I know I'm asking a lot, but the pack we have now aren't the same people who were here when you left. Most of our parents' generation either moved along after Alpha Horace came into power or have died out. The ones here now are mostly a mix of new blood and the people we grew up with.

You might not have to kill Monty, you know. You could offer a ceremonial challenge, where whoever strikes first blood wins, and wrest control of the pack without any blood on your hands. But if you did have to kill him, Elisha wouldn’t blame you. And you'll like Elisha, I mean it. He's young, but he's an old soul with a gentle sweetness about him. Oh, and he’s a great cook. A real homebody… but then, I’ve heard most omegas are pretty shy."

"You don't have to sell me on his qualities as a mate, Jared. Even if he was a complete asshole, I would still be willing to save his life. He’s the victim here, and I damned well know it." Sighing, I pushed away from the pool table and paced back and forth. I didn't want to do this but… shit. There was no other choice.

Considering everything Jared said, I felt better about the decision I was about to make, though I had to ramble through my thoughts. "I'd be within my rights whether I chose the ceremonial or traditional challenge. Either way, I would avenge my uncle's death, as heinous as the idea sounds. And I would be asserting my rights on behalf of my new mate and his unborn child. If I'm the one who acts, the Supreme Council won't have a reason to intervene. The Territory Chief will sign off on it without question. Dammit. I really was your Copyright 2016 - 2024