The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,59

considers himself part of an exclusive all-alpha biker pack. Oh, yeah. Our Matty boy is going to be legendary around these parts."

Matt groaned and got distracted by his ice cream. When he finally set his spoon down, he pushed his half-finished bowl aside. "So like I said, I don't know. Could be something, could be nothing. Either way, I put his visit off for a week so I could get a feel for the pack deltas and how well they function as a team. The diner is reopening, so I'll take him there for lunch next week."

I rested my hand over his. "Makes sense. Good call not bringing him to our home when you don't know if you can trust him. The public diner is an excellent spot, and the deltas will have no problem watching your back with all those windows. No offense to you guys because you're different. But there's a reason Alpha stereotypes exist and why most alphas don't traditionally hang out with each other."

Devon smiled sadly in agreement. "Unfortunately, most other alphas can't be trusted. Not only do they think owning whatever catches their eye is their right, you have to worry about getting bit in the a—butt with alpha venom. You saw for yourself how fast it works. At least the mating bite has a chance of survival. Pure alpha venom? Not a chance."

"True that." Matt tried his best to appear positive, and it worked for everyone who couldn’t feel his tension through the bond we shared. Rolling his shoulders back, he held his hands out expressively. "How scared can I be of a guy named Bart Macklebee the Third? He claims he's got a small, wealthy pack and needs to think of their needs before committing to anything. Who knows? I decided to take a measured risk."

Lucian frowned thoughtfully, waving his pointer finger as if trying to remember something. His eyes brightened. "Tehachapi. I remember why the name sounded so familiar—the speed trap on the highway between Bakersfield and Mojave. Rich little town up in those hills, remember? I couldn't believe what they were asking for a pack of gum. I noticed a lot of grapes growing in the area. If they're vintners, it would explain why he's so paranoid about outsiders."

"I had the same take too. It’s why I decided to take his request at face value. As long as I can get the pack to go about their business and the deltas are ready for anything, we should be fine. We'll get the word out—I want him to leave here with the picture of a small, friendly pack. Then I'll get his signature on an ally agreement, and we’ll have one more wall of defense between us and LA."

As conversation shifted back to easier topics, Noah interrupted again when Matt said something about how big the pack consciousness was now. He was in the middle of describing the way it felt to be aware of so many wolves when Noah climbed up beside him. Matt stopped mid-sentence to give Noah his complete attention. "What's up, little dude? You have something on your mind?"

In response, Noah wriggled as he pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. I was torn between nervous laughter and wondering what the heck had gotten into him when Noah pointed at the pale scratch mark over his heart. "If all the kids belong to their parents, and they belong to you because you bited their wrists, who gets me now? And Saul?"

Matt treated Noah's question with the solemnity it deserved. "I see. You saw me accept the allegiance of all the grown-ups earlier. And you know the kids don't have to be claimed because they belong to their parents. Yes, I can see where you might worry. Even though I told you Elisha and I will take care of you now, you don't feel like you're part of the pack because you don't have a parent who's sworn allegiance to me."

I'm not sure how much of Matt's adult response went over his head, but Noah got the gist of it. Head bobbing up and down, he tapped his scar again. "Me and Saul can't be part of the pack conscience. That's not fair."

"Consciousness, little dude. Conscience is a completely different word." Matt gently corrected Noah while we shared a long look, love flowing through our bond as I understood his intention. Glancing at Saul, Matt traced a fingertip over Noah's scar. "Your brother is Copyright 2016 - 2024