The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,54

hadn't talked about was how my brothers would fit into our life moving forward. I'd been so focused on getting them here. Realizing I hadn't given much thought to what came next surprised me. So much for my reputation as a great planner.

I gasped as they rode into town limits. Saul's long, skinny legs were pressed up against Tucker's large alpha body. I gripped Matt's arm, digging my fingers in without noticing until he gently pried them up a touch. Even then, I barely paid it much attention as I shook my head, completely sick at heart and ready to kick my own butt.

"Matt, where are they going to sleep tonight?"

I’d forgotten Jared's presence until he snorted. Leaning around Matt's back to peer at him, he greeted me with a wink. "Nobody's perfect, Elisha. While you were busy making sure the pack had housing, my mom realized you were putting yourself last and took care of it. Why do you think she was digging through Matt's old stuff? When we get back home, I think you'll be happy to find Matt's childhood bedroom is now set up with twin beds and plenty of age-appropriate toys and books."

Matt grinned as he whisper-yelled. “I might’ve left a present or two in there myself. As the former occupant of the room, I figured it was my duty.”

Did these people not realize how emotional pregnancy could make a guy? Jared's sweet, thoughtful statement was all it took for the waterworks to start. And then Devon rolled to a stop with Lucian and Tucker following—which meant my brothers were right behind him. Noah looked adorable, sitting in the sidecar and wearing a helmet so big he might fall over if he tried to stand upright with it on.

And then I was both laughing and crying.

And basically blubbering all over myself.

And embarrassing myself in the middle of town for the second time in ten minutes.

I didn't have time to dwell on anything because everything happened so fast. The bikes shut off, and helmets were removed, and two little boys were running at me and… I didn't need to see them through my blurry, tear-filled eyes. With both arms wrapped around my brothers, their scents washed over me like a warm spring rain, soothing places in my heart I hadn’t known were aching.

When I finally had a hand free, I wiped my eyes with the back of my wrist and snuffled. Noah managed to look both impressed and completely grossed out. "Eww, nasty! You need a tissue, Eli."

Saul rolled his eyes. "Be nice, pipsqueak. We haven't seen him in forever. Besides, Eli's only crying because he's happy to see us. Right, Eli?"

Looking at Saul, who was nearly as tall as me already, and Noah, who wasn't talking like a baby anymore, nearly brought me to my knees. As it hit home exactly how long we’d been apart, a wave of despair crashed into me. I took a deep breath and turned helplessly to Matt. "So… these are my brothers." It was as if someone had hit a mute button because I couldn’t make myself say anything else. This whole meeting was so surreal and… poignant.

Matt paused to press a kiss against my temple before introducing himself. As I calmed, I realized my contentment was coming through the bond. Once again, Matt was looking out for me. He gave his full-watt smile to my brothers. "What's up? I'm the Alpha around here, or so they keep telling me. Mostly, I do whatever your brother says. Oh, I should probably mention I'm your brother-in-law now because Elisha is my mate."

"Is it true? Are you the one who killed our father?" Saul looked nervous but determined at the same time to know the truth.

Bless him, Matt didn't hesitate for a second. He looked my brother straight in the eye and nodded. "I did. And I hope you'll understand I won't apologize for doing it."

I don't know who was more shocked, him or me, but both boys flung their arms around Matt as if they'd known him all their lives. They were talking so fast I could barely make out what they were saying, but I distinctly heard "thank you" more than once.

Matt went to hug them back and looked to me over their heads, silently asking me how to proceed. His friend Devon solved it for us. He ruffled Saul's hair. "I take it you weren't a fan either, huh?"

Saul finally pulled away and scrubbed his eyes with both hands, Copyright 2016 - 2024