The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,39

everyone was getting enough to eat and having a good time. Matt was correct—we needed to keep morale high. If for no other reason than so Matt wouldn't be distracted during the challenge tomorrow.

"Are you planning to announce which alpha you have chosen to take over Newberry Springs during your speech?" I thought I knew the answer before asking the question, but I was nosy enough to pry. Especially when my mate had been tightlipped about the whole thing while considering the decision.

"Yes. I've decided to give Newberry Springs to Nick. He's the smartest guy I know and well-versed in both shifter and human laws. Given the amount of criminal activity your father has going on, someone like him is needed to sort through it all and make things square. Devon is too much of a peacekeeper, and the miners who don't want to stop digging for gold will walk right over him. As for Tucker, he would also be a good choice, but I have two problems picking him. One, it almost feels like I’m playing favorites if I chose my best friend. And two, and this is the biggest reason, Tucker is claustrophobic as hell. I can’t see him going near an underground tunnel, let alone dealing with an entire underground town."

"I don't think you need to worry about your closeness with him. The claustrophobia part, though, would be a problem. Making sure the miners aren't still breaking laws and mining on government property is impossible if he can't go see for himself. Scenting lies only works with people who feel guilty. If a shifter is hardened enough, they can lie to your face without anyone picking up a thing. I know this because I've seen it more than once among my father's cronies. Nick doesn't have an easy job ahead of him, take it from me." I fell silent for a few steps before glancing back at Matt. "It's a shame Lucian feels unworthy because he doesn't carry a sire scar. He shouldn't let the circumstances of his birth define his future."

Matt released a deep sigh. "You're not saying anything I don't feel, little wolf. We've been telling Lucian for years how he has more to offer than he thinks. He might be a flirtatious manwhore, but the guy has a heart of gold. And he's beyond talented in so many ways. Someday he's going to fall in love and find the sense of home he was denied growing up. Maybe then he'll be able to let go of the past and start seeing the man the rest of us do. In the meantime, the people who love him will keep encouraging him to be his best self."

Our conversation came to a halt because Lucian himself approached from the opposite direction with Nick at his side. Matt shocked a giggle out of me, scooping me up and double-timing it to catch up with his friends. As I relaxed into the powerful arms holding me so close, I said a quiet prayer for tomorrow… and all the tomorrows hinging on his success.

And then I said another prayer for forgiveness when I realized I was literally praying for my father's death. But he'd left me to die, and besides, the safety of my brothers and every member of both packs depended on Matt winning. I doubled down, praying twice as hard for Matt's success. I even reached out for my secret weapon… the one person I knew who might have an ‘in’ with the big man upstairs.

If you're listening, Papa, please put a good word in for Matt. You know better than anyone: he's the best option all the way around. I'm prejudiced because he’s my true mate, but if you've been watching, then you already know my mate is a good alpha. Watch over him for me tomorrow, if you can.



Any nerves I had over the past week building up to the moment were gone. I was riding in the lead position with my buddies directly behind me in pairs.

As for the convoy of ragtag vehicles following us… I was doing my best not to think about them. I'd tried to convince Elisha to wait at home, but he was determined to be here today. When he shared his plans with me over breakfast this morning, my wolf and I both wanted to deny his request.

I had no doubt about my ability to win any fair fight, but I wasn't cocky enough to think I couldn't be bested Copyright 2016 - 2024