The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,26

Jared and a firmly united gamma council introduced me, the pack seemed willing to accept my leadership. I held Elisha's hand and prepared to give a short but impassioned speech. Looking around at the familiar faces sprinkled among the new but equally friendly ones, my chest swelled with the need to protect these people. This pack. My pack.

"I'm going to keep this short and sweet because I believe actions speak louder than words. As Beta Jared told you, he and the entire Gamma Council have already sworn their allegiance to me. They did for the same reason I'm going to ask you to consider it. While I was born alpha heir to this pack, I walked away from my birthright because I didn't want to become my father. You can double that for my uncle. I'm nothing like either of those men, and you can feel free to kill me in my sleep if I ever show signs."

More than a few chuckles sounded, and I could feel the acceptance flowing around me. "If you accept me as your Alpha, do it because you want fair leadership. Not because I saved Alpha Mate Elisha or can save you from his father. Since Elisha is my true mate, believe me when I say accepting him was no hardship. I would've preferred he wasn't dying at the time, but life happens, am I right?" I paused for another wave of laughter before continuing.

"This is what you need to know. I would prefer to be called Matt. Elisha will lead this pack at my side, and I expect him to receive the same dignity and respect you would offer me. Moving forward, I'm already planning some major changes around here."

When I saw I had their attention, I nodded. "Yes, you heard me correctly. Even though I haven't been formally accepted by each of you quite yet, I'm already making plans for our future. I'm going to have Jared look into the tax situation. I feel certain you could expect them lowered. Good God, I sound like a damn politician. I don’t mean to. I just wanted to put the idea out there because I heard about how heavily taxed you were under my uncle." More laughter echoed around me.

"In addition to lower taxes, I also want to return our pack to its former glory. Fixing the electricity and drilling a new well is going to take priority, and then we'll see about some community beautification projects. I want us all to take pride in Lucerne Valley again. But first, we need to bring our missing pack members home. My first official act as Alpha will be contacting our territory chief and filing an official challenge against Monty Whitetail. After I do a little homework, of course. Once our pack is united and we can move forward, I promise I'll do my best to be an Alpha you can trust to take care of your needs and provide the protection you deserve."

Turning to Elisha, I lifted a brow. "Did you have anything to add, little wolf? Maybe tell the pack how awesome I am and why they want me?"

Shrugging, Elisha managed to look completely innocent as he looked around the room. "I don't know why he's asking me. I barely know the guy. Besides, I really hope many of you would not want him for the same reasons I do. I mean, I love all of you like family, and you’re my pack, but you'd better not be looking at my man."

He winked, and every woman in the room seemed to melt on the spot. Damn. He was born to lead and obviously fit right in here. And fuck, but if knowing my Elisha already had this pack's love and support didn’t make me happy. Grinning, Elisha held up his free hand. "Everyone over eighteen who agrees this sexy man should be our pack Alpha, raise your hand."

How easily he had everyone ready to vote—and it was unanimous. Elisha blushed bright red but grinned proudly when I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. After making a mental note to give more public displays of affection since it made my mate flush so prettily, I gave his hand a squeeze, and we went to greet our pack. Elisha hadn't been joking earlier because he pulled his phone out and took lots of pictures while I gave claiming bites to the adults and greeted the children.

By the time I was done, hope and excitement shone Copyright 2016 - 2024