The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,22

sneak made sure to toss in what he already considered my official title. "Very well, Alpha Matthias. You may have the floor."

Glancing around at the two seated men and the two standing, I stepped forward and pulled out a chair. "First, can we please be less formal? Come on, guys, it's me. We don't need to stand on ceremony to have this discussion and vote."

Grinning, Marcus sat down first. "I accept. Informal for the win."

Bradley took a seat and gestured toward my chair. "By all means, sit down, and let's talk this out, Matty."

I pulled out a second chair, waiting for Jared to reluctantly accept informality, though it was obviously rubbing him wrong, based on his gritted teeth and pinched expression. "Good man. Thank you." I patted Jared on the shoulder and finally took my own seat.

Looking around the long table, I took a deep breath while gathering my thoughts. "First off, I don't know what happened during my own uncle's time as your alpha. Based on what I saw when I rode through town, it wasn't anything good. As for my father? He did put the pack first, so I'll beg to differ with you, Fredo."

Chuckling humorlessly, I drummed my fingers on the table top. "My father put the pack first at all times. When I was growing up, we lacked for nothing. The only one he didn't make time for was me, unless it was to beat, belittle, or berate me for one imagined flaw or another. You want to know why I left? I didn't want to be like my father or with a pack who accepted his kind of toxicity as acceptable behavior."

Fredo winced apologetically. "Forgive me. I was unaware of your personal history. May I ask why you returned? We know what Jared has reported, but I'd like to hear it from you. No offense, but we don't know where you've been for the past ten years."

"Fair," I said agreeably, holding my palms up for good measure. "I knocked around a little at first, staying with my grandparents off and on after they moved, but mostly spending my time traveling and exploring the wider world. Along the way, I met four displaced alpha sons who quickly became like family to me. The five of us eventually formed a motorcycle club, basically a small alpha-only pack. We call ourselves the West Coast Wolves and spend our days traveling the roads and helping anyone we find in need."

Shawn Elderberry—a guy I remembered as both outgoing and argumentative as hell—looked fascinated as he leaned forward with his forearms resting on the table. "Seriously? Five alphas formed a pack and didn't kill each other? And the Supreme Council allowed it?"

Playfully wagging a finger, I tutted in response. "Ah, ah, ah. You're forgetting something, Shawn. The Supreme Council only gets a say with official sanctioned packs. But for the record? The one alpha per pack rule is tradition, not law. You should probably know before you vote—I have no intentions of ever turning any of my children out at eighteen if I have more than one alpha son. If you ask me, it breeds resentment between siblings who should be close."

Fredo held his hand up again. "I've heard enough to withdraw any objection I may have had. Even if you didn't get to answer why you came back."

I shrugged. "Isn't it obvious? I told you I spend my days helping people in need. When Jared told me Elisha was dying of aconite poisoning, what choice did I have? Fortunately, Elisha has forgiven me for claiming him without clear consent. And yes, we were blessed to find we are true mates. Still, coming here to claim a delirious dying man wasn't easy for me to do. But I did it—true mate or not—because it was the right thing. Isn't it funny how you have to vote to accept me, but Horace and Monty both seized Lucerne Valley by killing the sitting alpha in a challenge?"

Jared favored me with a respectful smile. "And yet you saved him anyway. Knowing you might not get anything out of it other than a mate who you'd be responsible for from now on, you came. You also knew you will most likely have to kill your mate's father to regain control of the pack. And our tactic is to make you explain yourself while we decide how to place a vote no one should bother questioning." As if he smelled a fart, his nostrils flared. "Unless Copyright 2016 - 2024