The Reluctant Alpha (West Coast Wolves #1) - Susi Hawke Page 0,20

my mother served me cold tea and a stony glare with my breakfast. I will add it to my to-do list at once."

"There is no need. I'm on it, and you have enough on your plate, Jared. I just wanted to know what I'm walking into when I go through the kitchen doors. You know I like to take charge of the manse. By the time you finish your meeting, I'll have everything running like clockwork." Smiling gently, Elisha gave Jared an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "Come find me later, and I'll make sure you get a hot cup of tea. I'll also let Paula know how hard you've been working."

Jared’s eyes went wide with alarm. "You don't have to stick up for me with my mom. She was simply worried about you, and then the extra cooking and cleaning probably didn't help." He looked around before lowering his voice. "As you can imagine, the gamma families are above offering to pitch in." I smothered a smile, knowing damn well what he meant. Since the gammas always made up the pack council, their mates and children acted like they were better than everyone else.

Snorting, Elisha was already shaking his head. "Well, their poopy behavior won't fly. I'll lead by example and have them helping me weed the garden and harvest the veggies. The first one who cries without breaking a nail gets transferred to maid detail. Don't worry. I'll have this household running like a top again shortly."

As if second-guessing himself, he paused and turned to smile almost timidly at me. "Is it okay if I drop your name if necessary? Most pack members will respect my position, but there are always those who need to know the alpha supports me. It goes double for gamma mates."

I bent to give him a quick kiss. "Drop my title all you want, sweetheart. And I'll ask you for the names of anyone who needed mine. I wanted to invite you to the meeting, to show the council I intend for us to rule as a pair. After hearing everything you've had to say, I'm completely certain I want us to be viewed as equals. I wouldn't want anything less, especially for my true mate. It needs to be clear from the start: we are two halves of a whole."

Resting a hand on my chest, Elisha smiled so sweetly my wolf was rolling around inside me, baring his belly for our mate. And I was right there with him. The trust and affection flowing through the bond was enough to bring me to my knees. Staying upright and remembering to hold myself together and behave like an alpha took all I had. I'm not sure what he sensed through our bond, but Elisha's eyes twinkled as he shook his head.

"Thank you, Matt. And maybe later I'll want to go to one of your meetings, but at the moment, I need to get the household in line. Even if we'll be ruling together, we still have our separate jobs and duties. I get to worry about the needs of the pack while you have to think first of their safety. Also? Please don't feel you have to include me in any biting ceremonies. I would prefer to be the guy taking the pictures, thank you very much. And remember to go easy on them if the pack takes time to accept you giving me equal power."

All I could do was stare at him. How could someone so young be so wise and self-possessed? Swallowing a lump in my throat, I brushed my fingers over his cheek. "You humble me, Elisha. I can see already you're going to make me a better alpha. Okay. I'll let you take care of your business while I go tend to mine. We can fill each other in later on anything important."

"I like your idea. I'm going to have to think about it, but I'll find a time in our schedules for us to have private conversation about pack matters and anything else that might come up." He waggled his brows with the word up, and his cheeks flushed pink, my sole clue he intended it as innuendo. Hot damn, I really did win the lottery in the mate department. Elisha giggled to himself and rushed off to the kitchen doors, leaving me alone with Jared.

Jared looked befuddled before getting back to business. He tilted his chin toward a hallway veering off to the right. "True mates, huh? Copyright 2016 - 2024