Relic - Jaid Black Page 0,18

in his lap, as he saw his mon Niall fall to his knees with a groan. Lady Octavia scurried up and off of the laird, ran to the other side of the fire, and picked up her death stick.

“Nay!” Angus bellowed, holding up his hand. “’Tis one of my warriors you put a hole into.” He knew his voice was gruff; he prayed she didn’t cry. ‘Twas more than he felt up to dealing with this eve.

She closed one eye as she looked into the stick. “He snuck up on us! How do I know he can be trusted?”

Angus’ eyebrows rose. ‘Twas sorely apparent the lass had not been moved to tears by his harsh tone. On the contrary, the avenging angel was back in full form. Leastways, ‘twas a Karrik she was avenging herself upon. “I’ve just told you he is one of my men!” The laird frowned, at this point hoping she would succumb to tears. He decided ‘twould be easier to deal with than this. “Put down your death stick, woman!”

“Lady Octavia,” Doctor pleaded. “He wears the same plaid as his laird. He can be trusted.”

“I dinna ken if I can be trusted now,” Niall ground out as he stumbled toward the fire. “She put a dagger in me, she did!”

“You’re lucky I missed. I was going for your groin.”

“Bluidy hell.”

“I can fix you up,” Doctor said to Niall. He was clearly trying to diffuse the situation. “Milady meant you no harm. Well, she meant you harm, but that was before she knew you could be trusted.”

Niall looked at Doctor as though he was daft. Then he looked to where Colban stood and Sir James laid. “Did she kill that mon too?”

“Aye,” Colban said.

“No!” Doctor retorted. He threw his hands up. “Sit down by the fire and I’ll see to your leg wound. If I don’t then that one—” He jabbed a finger at Colban. “—will be picking out your tombstone for you.”

Lady Octavia showed a hint of a smile as she lowered her death stick. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people,” she chastised. “It can get you killed.”

“I see that!” Niall bit out. “But I was not sneaking.” He sniffed. “Leastways, my laird kenned I was behind him.”

Nay, Angus thought, his laird had not. He should have, but he’d been too bewitched by his avenging angel. He should put her over his knee for the insult she’d dealt Niall, yet knew she was not his to command… yet.

“Others are likely coming,” Angus said, frowning. “Dinna kill anyone, Lady Octavia. And dinna put holes in them as you did to Niall.”

Never in his life had he thought to have a crazed conversation such as this one with a lady! ‘Twas the second time this eve alone she had given his head the ache.

“If you say so,” Lady Octavia demurred. Her words were contrite, but her tone was not. “How many more are coming?” she asked Niall.

“Only four.” At Angus’ raised eyebrow he explained, “The others await us at the Highland border. We wouldst have sent for them did we think we could not handle the English alone. As you escaped, ‘tis apparent I made the proper call.”

Angus grunted. “I wouldst have escaped, ‘tis true.”

“Wouldst have?” Niall asked.

The laird found his face heating. “I dinna get the chance.” At Niall’s blank look he admitted, “The lady who put a hole in you opened the cell door for me.”

“She also killed a bunch of Englishmen to free us,” Colban interjected. His gaze was still frowning over Sir James. “Dead. All of ‘em.”

“He thinks everyone is dead,” Doctor muttered. “Though in this case, yes, the English are very much dead.”

Colban at last looked up. “Eventually we all die, old mon.”

“Well we don’t need you putting everyone into early graves!”

Colban shrugged. He looked back down at James who was finally stirring. “I’m not feeding him like you fed Lady Octavia. A mon is not a mon if he canna feed himself.”

Chapter Six

She liked the Highlanders. The remaining four had found their way to the makeshift camp an hour ago. All of them save Angus and Colban were jovial, quick to humor men. Of course, she supposed Angus had to be the serious one since he ruled so many. And Colban, she’d quickly learned, was just Colban. The warrior could give SNL’s Debbie Downer a run for her money any day of the week. Either her or that little boy who saw dead people everywhere in The Sixth Sense.

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