The Relic (Cradle of Darkness #2) - Addison Cain Page 0,40

the oddest feeling that I had just been insulted.

Which, of course he knew. He even laughed. “You pretend to be meek, because that is what you believed was expected of you. But you’ve ripped out more than one throat in your lifetime—you just have to be pushed far enough to snap. You fought your tormentor for your baby. And you’re here, in the midst of the most powerful of our kind, staring down a woman who dislikes your presence… because you are her mother and you have every right to do so.”

I began to tune out Vladislov’s latest soliloquy just as I would tune out my patrons when I walked from table to table offering cigarettes. In that moment, it didn’t matter what he thought. All that mattered was my girl.

Who had caught herself touching the collar and pulled her hand away as if mildly embarrassed. Until a man with hair as bright as hers was dark approached and took her in his arms.

“Malcom. You can say his name.”

She glowed, leaned into him, forgot about me entirely.

“Jade is an absolute fool for that boy.”

Malcom. That boy. Very normal terms for the veritable angel who had beaten me against a brick wall all those years ago, breaking my jaw as he ripped out my fangs. I could still hear him laughing as I wept, that memory more real to me than the horror I imagined Jade’s birth to be.

“Shhhh, don’t tremble, Pearl.” Warmth stroked over my arms, a deep male voice offering comfort. “He is forbidden from so much as glancing in your direction. And rightly concerned that I might change my mind about his continued existence.”

My Jade so clearly adored him that should Vladislov dare to harm a pale hair on Malcom’s head, I’d be very upset.

Vladislov didn’t even try to conceal his irritation. “I know, which is what makes this so unfair to me. How am I supposed to relax when I really want to do unspeakable things but can’t because it will upset you? Pity me.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” And oddly cute with the whining. Whining that worked its magic and left me smirking instead of afraid.

Like an eager puppy, Vladislov curled around me. “I promise to behave if you’ll give me one kiss.”

One kiss, quickly given before he might try to distract me further or delve his hands back into my dress.

Even with the complete lunacy of the situation, it was as if a spark snapped when our mouths met. Chaste yet lingering. When it ended, Vladislov looked down at me, eyes glowing, a soft smile on his lip. “Now, shush. It’s beginning.”

My daughter and the man who had delivered to a demon for torment because I had broken an unknown law joined hands.

Beautiful side by side, Jade caught up in her husband’s eyes. Even the fool I was could see plain as night that nothing existed to her in that moment but him.

If she loved him, so would I.

Behind me, Vladislov muttered, “Ugh, you’re far too gracious.”

“I forgive him.” And it was really that simple.

Malcom, as if he heard our whisperings, let out a pent-up breath. I don’t know why I sensed it, but I felt in that moment that he wanted to glance my way, just for a second. Just to acknowledge what seemed like a gift.

“It was a gift. His entire bloodline was at stake should you have refused. I had only granted him five years with Jade before the culling might begin. Now I’m in the mood to reconsider.”

Lately, it had become simple to forget just who I was with. An ease had grown between us, even laughter. Passion that seemed to rewrite the very fabric I’d been cut from.

It would just slip my mind in tiny moments.

“Five years was generous and only granted because he led me to where Darius had hidden you away. Had I found the memory in his head, had he tried to hide it, an eternity in a tomb was only the beginning of what he might have suffered. But he came to me, he knew there was something vital in so small a memory. He knew, because Darius ripped out his heart, so Jade ripped out the heart of her father and put it in the chest of the man she loves. Darius lives in him in a significant way, so rethink your easy forgiveness in a sentimental moment.”

“No. And you cannot tempt me from my decision either, demon.”

“Fine.” A brisk, irritated fine.

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