Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,299

her back to me and scribbles something on a piece of paper then faces me once again, handing it to me. “My phone number. You can pick me up from here at five. Don’t be late.”

I take the note and slip it into my jeans pocket, and for some reason, it becomes a heavy weight there. As much as I don’t want to do this, I know I owe her for wasted time.

Deacon better look out, because I’m coming for him.

“Thanks. Well, I better let you get back to work before you rope me into something else. Also, I need to go murder my friend,” I joke.

Dylan giggles. “He better start running then. I could easily do the procedure still if you don’t want any babies.” She shrugs.

My hands fly to cover my manhood. She watches the action with amusement spread over her face. “I’m good. I like my bits…untouched.” What did I just say? “I mean…surgically. I don’t want them operated on.” Hell, I sound like a blubbering idiot.

She rolls her eyes and releases a sigh. “Why do people, especially men, think I ruin them? It’s a small procedure, twenty minutes, max thirty, and you’re on your way.”

Guilt floods me. “Sorry. Look… I’ll go and be back just before five.” Reaching for the door handle, I pull it open, and Dylan follows closely behind. When we step into reception, the assistant glances between us.

“There’s nothing on the computer for me to charge…” She looks to Dylan for what she should do.

Dylan picks up a notebook and slides it across the countertop toward me. “Write down your friend’s name and address.”

With a smirk on my face, I scribble Deacon’s name down on the paper in front of me.

She then hands it to her assistant. “Charge this person, please. Since he thought it would be fun to waste my time.”

“Oh, okay.”

Dylan steps around the counter, stopping in front of me. “I’ll see you soon. This is going to be fun.” A wicked smile twists on her lips.

“You do realize you’re acting a little creepy.”

“I don’t care. People—men, in particular—already think I’m crazy. Because, apparently, I castrate them.” She shrugs.

My balls act as though they’ve hit freezing water and quickly go into hiding as I zip my jacket. “I’ll catch you later, Dylan.” As fast as I can, I hightail it out of there. Once outside, the tightness in my jeans relaxes.

Don’t worry, buddy. There’s no way she’s getting anywhere near you with a scalpel.



What the hell did I just do?

I face Charlie, slamming my hands on the counter. “I have a date with that man tonight.” The words pour out of my mouth like a broken tap. “Why did I do that? I must look like a desperate fool.” I smack my palm to my forehead because I didn’t get his number to cancel.

“What?” Charlie’s eyes go wide.

“His friend booked him an appointment as a joke. Told him he had to get a urine test done. So as payback, I told him he has to come to dinner at my mom’s…tonight.”

She rises from her chair. “Wow. You need to go buy something new. I’m not letting you wear your office clothes. Not that they’re not stunning, but you need something else, something less doctor and more woman. You’ll take the dark knight’s breath away with some tight jeans and a closely fitted top. Flaunt what you’ve got, girl. You have all the curves, and they’re in all the right places.”

My eyes flutter down, and I stare at my clothes, the black pencil skirt and a loose, button-up red top tucked in don’t do much in the flattery department, but I retort, perhaps a bit snappier than I intend, “There’s nothing wrong with what I’m wearing.” Nerves flutter around my stomach as though they are performing a dance in a life-and-death situation. I’m not a person who gets nervous, but Cole has me all twisted in knots. It’s then that I blurt out, “Sorry,” knowing Charlie is only trying to help.

“Of course there’s nothing wrong with what you’re wearing, but think about it. What was the first thought when you saw him? Mine was, holy hunk-a-licious.” She giggles.

“Mine was, Damn! Scarlett has brought my dream man to life simply by speaking my possible dream man out loud. Oh, hold up, he told me I should probably Google him after he left.”

Charlie falls back into her chair and speed types. “Oh. My. Goodness.”

“What?” I race around and stare at the familiar face on Copyright 2016 - 2024