Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,274

the city lights.

“Yeah,” is all he replies.

“You want to introduce me to your pretty neighbour?” I say it in a lower voice so only Brax can hear.

He frowns at me. “Not a fucking chance.”

I take a few steps to the edge of the balcony. “I’m Dusty.”

“Hey, Dusty. I’m Mia. I was stoked to hear you’re joining my team.”

I chuckle. I can’t get a good look at her since it’s after eight and the shadows of the night conceal her face, yet I can see enough to recognise beauty. “Did you hear that?” I say to Brax and wink. “She’s stoked I’m here.”

I turn back to Mia. “The bridge lights are exceptional at night.”

“They are, right? The colours always signify something.”

Brax joins me. “Are you all heading to Perth for Christmas?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Not this year,” she says. “Mum is booked in for surgery, so she’ll need to rehabilitate.”

“Nothing serious, I hope.” There is concern in his tone.

“A knee replacement. If I need any help, I’ll call out.”

Something changes in the way he’s looking at Mia. “I’ll leave you and the girl next door to it,” I whisper. “See you around, Mia.” I hold up my bottle of beer in salute and head inside.

Mia was the perfect distraction. I was done with the emotional chat to Brax. At least he knows what set me off on the same date in November. I didn’t tell him everything, though. No one knows my darkest secret, but I told him enough to get him off my back. Every year I do what I have to do to get through the days and nights, then I sort my shit out and remain focused on football for the rest of the year. This year is no different. If anything, I have more to prove, and I won’t let my team down.

I head to the refrigerator, and before I open it, I’m distracted by a motor revving outside. Since Brax is outback talking to Mia, I check the security camera. Star tucks her helmet under her arm and buzzes the gate entry.

Fuck. I want to let her in and head straight to my bedroom and relive the other night without a hit. I want nothing more than to be inside her, be in control, for I have been thinking about her. But Brax’s warning of her connections to the biker club stops me from pressing the entry button.

I don’t know her.

But I don’t judge anyone on another person’s word.

Why not give Star a chance?

I hit the button and simultaneously Brax steps inside, his conversation with Mia on the back balcony over.

“Before you get uptight, I decided to give her a chance.”

“Who?” he asks and places his empty bottle on the kitchen counter.


The door buzzes.

“I let her through the gate.” His eyes widen. “We’ll hang out in my room a bit—”

“Is she alone?” he interrupts deadpan.

“We’ll soon find out.” I stride to the door and pull it open, and Star greets me with the biggest smile. “Did I leave something else behind?”

“Yeah. I wanted to wash it before returning it to you.” She waves a one-hundred-dollar bill in the air. “I removed all evidence.”

Before she says anything else, I pull her inside.

Brax and Star glance at each other, and I’m not blind to the tension in the room.

“Brax,” she says with no excitement in her voice.

“Star.” He nods. “Good to see you again.”

I can’t handle small talk. I’m not interested in their differences. “Follow me,” I tell Star and guide her to my room.

I close the door behind her and watch as she does a double-take of my belongings. There’s not much to look at because I’m not staying in this house, yet she hones in on the one photograph of my family. I don’t expect her to comment on the image of strangers. Instead, I allow myself to absorb what she’s wearing—a tiny denim skirt and a black tank top.

She picks up the frame and studies it. “I used to love watching Rhett play.”


“Your brother. I used to watch him play when I was younger. Hunter and Rhett were my idols.”

“You follow AFL?”

She keeps on surprising me.

“Yeah. I also love your team. For years, I watched Darcy Rayne and then followed your progress when you first came to the team.”

“Doc?” I ask, stunned that she follows AFL, and she knew of my senior teammate.

“Yeah.” She gives me a sexy grin. “I have a thing for ruckmen.”

I sit on the bed and let that sink in.

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