Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,271

house. “Will your new friends from the Silver Hell MC be making any surprise visits?”

“They’re not my new friends.”

He raises a brow. “Did you fuck that chick last night?”

“Christ,” I mutter and push my fingers over the top of my head. “Fucking a chick and becoming friends with a motorcycle club are two different things.”

“She’s not just any chick,” he says and gives me a firm look. “You forget, I’ve lived my entire life in Brisbane. Born and raised here, and as a teenager knew if anyone needed a favour, there was a certain club that could get dirty business done.”

“And this club has plenty of money?”

“Yeah. It’s why people seek their help when they get themselves into debt. I assumed you don’t gamble—”

“I don’t,” I bark. “I’ve always been careful with money.” Misplacing my wallet was a fucking stupid thing to do, especially when my bank cards link to the farm. Rhett would kill me if he knew I was that reckless. He’d kill me if he knew of the secret I’ve kept from the family since I was eight. I’d rather feel his wrath for my stupidity than the latter.

“Star is not any ol’ chick.” There’s a seriousness in his eyes that has my gut tightening. “Where was the party?”

“In the valley.”

“Describe the house.”

“I barely remember. It was dark with an enormous tree out front.” I shake my head to unravel my thoughts as I fail to understand why he’s so concerned about some party when I said it wouldn’t happen again.

“And roots to trip you up, so you smash your head on a fucking boulder?”

Trying to work out where he’s going with this, I hold his gaze for a moment. “Yeah.”

“Fuck. It was Phoenix’s house, wasn’t it?”

I shrug, not giving two fucks. “No idea.”

“That’s Star’s dad. He’s not the president of the club, but the guy who is, well… it was his son who Star was going to marry and then did a runner. She’s still part of the club, and she’s… atoning her sins as to speak. She’s being watched, especially by her father, because he’s vice president, and he expects her to get back with Bear.”

“Bear.” I frown at him. “Not his real name, I assume.”

“Bear because he’ll fucking rip your guts out and bury you with your intestines sprawled over your face.”

The look on my face is enough for Brax’s shoulders to relax a little. “That’s the message you’ll get if you screw around with his girl. Stay. The. Fuck. Away.”

“Got it.”

Jesus, how was I to know Star was off-limits. My gut is twisting with calling my mother. It’s turning inside out with the realisation of what could have been last night.

I’m staring at his broad back as we walk down the hallway toward the kitchen. “You’re rather informed about Star.”

Brax turns with an exasperated look on his face. “Her family are fans and follow Brisbane. And before you say anything… I wasn’t the guy who got into trouble and needed their help. We don’t want them showing up at training and watching us just to give a warning they want their money back, or whatever the fuck it is a player owes. I can tell you one thing…” he jabs a finger toward my face, “… no one was stupid enough to mess around with Star.” He storms off to his room, and I do the same.

While considering his last words, I close the door to my room with a loud slam.

No one was stupid enough to mess around with Star, the words rumble through my mind.

Over time, I’ve done some dumb-arse things, and this doesn’t even come close. I empty my bag of smelly training clothes. Even after all these years, I can’t handle the musky odour that develops if you don’t launder them immediately. Here in the humidity, it’s so much worse. I swear mould would grow on them in a day if I left them. Heading to the laundry, I soak the clothes in a bowl first—something Mum taught me.

Sitting on my bed, I lean over and retrieve my phone from the bag intending to call her. I open my mother’s contact and pause because I’m thinking about Star.

Last night—she was there when I needed someone. And I opened my big mouth and told her about my father’s accident. What else did I tell her? The concern is brief, replaced by a shroud of calm wrapping around me. The short time with her was overwhelming and yet remarkably satisfying. Being Copyright 2016 - 2024