Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,261

ma al oinp?" Leo shouted, pounding on his chest.

Who dares marry this woman?

I stepped forward, beating on my own chest. "Ma toaeria."

This warrior.

"Mala juni meta olpola?"

What is your bride price?

I grinned, dropping to one knee, throwing my arms out wide.

"Hei grahna, hei dilsna, hei katmu."

My love, my loyalty, my life.

A mumble of surprise rippled through the guests, no doubt unused to hearing such a declaration during a royal wedding.

Leo turned back to his sister, pounding once on his chest. "Ki mar alerni ma toaeria kelipu mun?"

Do you accept this warrior, my sister?

Kit's beautiful lips curved up into a stunning smile, her joy clear as she replied in the language of our people, "Mah sagra."

I will.

Leo stepped back, pounding one fist over his heart. Behind me, the elder took up the beat, those around us joining in.

With the beating that echoed that of my heart, Kit walked to me, unassisted, unhindered. She crouched, taking my hands in hers, and guiding me to a stand, we turned to face the elder.

Kihana Mary called the ceremony to order and began the traditional blessing.

I knew I should be focussed, committing every moment of this day to memory. Instead, I searched Kit's face, determined to capture every emotion and expression.

Kihana Mary finished the blessing, commencing the ceremony.

"We meet on this sacred place to marry two lovers, uniting them under the eyes of the Gods, and on the land of our ancestors." She swept a hand out, encompassing the forest surrounding. "The Murmuranay is known in our culture as a meeting place. A place that straddles two times, the before and the after. It is here where births are celebrated, and deaths are mourned. And it is here where our Queen will pledge herself to the one who will be her partner, her life, the other half of her soul."

She looked beyond us to Charlotte, who stood hovering in the aisle.

"You may now cloak them in the merimorini."

Charlotte moved forward as Kit and I clasped fists, stepping into each other in order to trap our arms between our bodies, our foreheads pressing tight.

"I love you," she whispered, as Charlotte settled the cloak around us.

My stomach clenched, a fierce possessive rage hitting my gut at her declaration. It was the first but I made a silent vow it wouldn't ever be the last.

"I fucking love you," I whispered back, desperately wanting to throw her down and claim her here on this hallowed ground.

"And now the vows."

We repeated our pledge to each other, declaring our love, our loyalty, our spirit to each other before the Gods, guests and all who watched on the live broadcast around the world.

"You may kiss the bride."

I captured her lips, near desperate for a taste of her. Her mouth opened and for a moment, the kiss oscillated in the space between a publicly acceptable display and a far too intimate embrace.

My cock, never one to miss an opportunity, rose to the occasion.

Suddenly grateful for the large merimorini, I gently pulled back, pressing my forehead to hers once more.

Applause washed over us like thunder, surging and breaking and surging once more.

"I saw your tattoos," Kit said over the noise. "You didn't have to do that."

I grinned, pressing a kiss to her lips once again. "Of course I did. I'm yours, Kit. Today and everyday. And I want the world to know it."

We turned as one, laughing and walking down the aisle to the waiting carriage outside. Sitting in the back we made our way through the crowded streets, our people waving and laughing, celebrating this day with us as cameras followed our journey all the way to the palace.

Inside the grounds, we hurried to the library balcony, performing one last wave and kiss for the applauding crowd before disappearing back inside.

Victoria led us to a small room where we could quickly take refreshments.

"Reception now," Victoria directed, her trusty tablet held at the ready. "You'll make a brief appearance to get festivities underway. Then there will be the formal photos, then the speeches, then—"


She looked up, blinking at me. "Yes?"

"No offence," I said gently. "But get the fuck out."

Her eyes widened, flicking from me to Kit then back. "Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no! Please, you can't. We have a tight timeline and—"

"Sorry, Victoria. But I agree with my husband." Kit placed a hand on Victoria's lower back, gently pushing her out of the room. "We'll be out in twenty, thirty at the latest."

"Better make it forty-five," I muttered as I reached for Copyright 2016 - 2024