Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,26

way around. Good. He needed to be scared because what I had planned for him was going to go down as one of my messiest retributions in history.

People didn’t steal from me.


“Rough him up a little before sending him on his way,” I said to Dagger as I turned back to the large picture window. I listened as Hawk was hauled away, mumbling something about how a week wasn’t enough time and how he’d counted the money twice.

Honestly, I didn’t give a fuck about the money. Fifty grand was a fucking drop in the ocean compared to everything else. I was punishing the guy on principle. I refused to let anyone screw me out of my money.

No. Fucking. Way.

Reaching down, I rearranged my dick in my pants, then threw back what was left in the glass. I may not fuck my dancers, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the fuck out of them when I felt like it.

Surveying the floor, I spotted a Doll who would do for tonight. Normally, I would’ve called her up here, but I was feeling restless so I hoofed it down the stairs and out onto the opulent floor of The Dollhouse. The décor was decorated in rich reds and glittering golds. The walls were black, the poles and stages where my Dolls danced were polished to within an inch of their lives. Plush red velvet couches and dark brown leather chesterfield armchairs were scattered around, all oriented to get the best view of the Dolls while they worked.

This place was a classy establishment, one that also required a six-figure membership to attend. I had to have a way to keep the riff-raff out, and the men—plus some women—with enough green to back their penchant for fuckery were the ones I wanted.

My Ferragamos thumped over the dark-stained hardwood floors as I made my way over to Syndy. She looked up from the man she was talking to—a long-time patron who I knew had a wife and three kids at home.

“Mr. Gregory, so nice to see you again.”

“Mr. Rivera,” he greeted. “I was just telling Syndy here how much I enjoy blowjobs with my scotch.”

“Don’t we all?” I replied with a smile. Turning my gaze to my dancer briefly, I looked at her lush mouth, and my dick got harder. “If you wouldn’t mind, I need Syndy for a moment.”

Dick Gregory waved his hand in a by all means sort of way. As soon as the woman was gone, another one of the girls would take her place. When the owner of the fastest-growing tech company was on the floor, my Dolls knew how to work.

I placed a hand on the small of Syndy’s back as I guided her off the floor and to one of the playrooms out the back.

“You said you wanted to talk to me?” she asked, somewhat confused by the change in direction.

“I want to see you, but it isn’t for talking,” I growled, sliding my hand down her to her bare ass and tightening my fingers.

Syndy’s eyes lit up. “Yes, daddy.”

She didn’t know that the only fucking she was going to get was her mouth, but I let her believe she had finally tamed the illusive Bane Rivera. I checked each room as we walked past, finding the first three occupied. Swiping my access card at the reader by the door, I dragged her into number four. Locking the door behind us, I took a seat on the leather armchair in the center of the room, my knees spread wide. On the wall to my right was a cupboard with BDSM toys that got regular use by the patrons, but Syn wouldn’t need them tonight. All I wanted was her mouth, her tongue, her teeth.

Syn stared at me with lust-soaked eyes for a moment, then when I undid my zipper, freeing my cock, she fell to her fucking knees like this was church, and I was offering her absolution for all her sins.

“Just a blowjob, Syn.”

She tried to hide the disappointment from her face, but I saw it etched there in all its crestfallen glory. She’d get over it, especially if Dick Gregory were still there when I was done with her. I sat back and watched as she gripped my cock at the base and ran her hand up and down it a few times, pumping and watching me through half-lidded eyes.

When she stuck out her pink tongue and licked the crown, I groaned but didn’t shut my eyes. Copyright 2016 - 2024