Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,246

on my skin.

"Well, if that doesn't win you the election, I don't know what will," Patrick remarked, leaning against the wall beside me.

I shot him a side glance, then turned back to watch the guests as they mingled. For the majority, the adrenaline had worn off. Between the police taking statements, the waitstaff handing out drinks, food and blankets, and the Queen making sure she spoke to each and every attendee, they'd begun to process the shock.

"The first exclusive interview with a guest has finally hit the news," Patrick remarked, playing with his phone. "They must have started releasing the guests." He laughed, still scrolling through his phone. "The Queen issued a formal statement immediately after the incident and another just now. Do you think they have that kind of thing pre-prepared?"

I ignored him, my gaze on the woman standing with a group of teary-eyed strangers offering them comfort.

"You're playing well in the media. They're calling you a hero. We can use this. I'm seeing an ad campaign around—"



"Shut the fuck up."

His mouth snapped close, his head bowing as he continued to scroll through his news feed.

The Queen produced tissues, handing them to a distraught woman and offering her a gentle hug.

"Oh, that's a good shot."

I turned, seeing Patrick snap a photo of the moment.


"Nope." He held up a finger, shaking it at me. "You employed me to be your campaign manager. I'm doing what I do best— campaigning. Don't shoot me for being the political powerhouse that will win you that coveted position."

I ground my teeth together, too full of fire and fury to remain near him a moment longer.

"I'll be in the garden. Call if they want me."

I craved the freedom of sky and stars, cold air on my face and the earth under my feet, needing the connection to the land to rid me of this terrible raging fear.

Outside I found silence and stillness, yet was still unable to find my calm.

He tried to kill her. To slit her throat. He wanted blood and destruction and not one person stood between them. If she hadn't rolled….

The door on the far side of the garden opened, a woman stepping out into the cool air.

My Queen.

"Please," Katherine said, holding a hand out to halt someone behind her. "I just need a moment."

"We need to clear the garden, ma'am."

She sighed. "If I stay within arm’s distance of the door, will you allow me a moment? The only way to get into the garden would be through this door or via grappling hooks from above. You've already swept it once. Please, Alec. I need a moment."

I stepped forward, clearing my throat, Alec immediately palmed his gun, his hand sweeping Katherine back behind him.

"I'm the only one here," I said with a shrug. "If Your Majesty doesn't mind the company, I wouldn't be opposed to remaining out here for a few moments more."

Alec considered me; his face impassive. "You're the one who wrestled the radical."

My lips twisted into a half smile. "Yeah. Learned that one in Turkey."

Alec relaxed, glancing around the garden. "You sure you're alone?"



Katherine eyed me, her expression blank. After a long moment she turned to Alec.

"I'll be fine. Stay close. I just need a few minutes of fresh air."

He nodded, sent a meaningful glance my way, then moved back inside, shutting the door.

"Mr. Tuhana?"

"Yes, my Queen?"

"Will you turn around please? I understand you need to look after me but I want a moment alone."

I nodded, turning slowly even though I was loathed to do so.

In the quiet of the night I heard her move, her feet light as she shifted through the space, then settled, falling silent.

For a long moment we neither moved nor spoke, the only sounds coming from the road on the far side of the building, and the soft sounds that accompanied the night.

"I owe you a debt, Mr. Tuhana."

"Jonathan," I corrected, keeping my back to her. "Please. Or Jon."

She paused, as if surprised by my request.

"Alright. I owe you a debt, Jon. And while a Prime Ministership is beyond even my capability to give you, I'd like to offer you a favour. You need only say what you wish and if it is within my power then I'll try to grant it."

My heart hammered through my chest, the pounding reminded me of the drums my ancestors used to signal war.

"May I approach?"


I pivoted on my heel, closing the few lengths to her.

She sat on a stone bench, her spine curved, her expression tired and guarded.

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