Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,200

after he got into my head about being alone.

And the irony—his daughter is the one consuming my head.

As we sat inside my office, and she struggled to make any conversation with me worth my attention, it gave me too much opportunity to examine her. My memory can’t recall the last time I’ve seen her, only snippets of our childhood and the way she’d taunt me with her overbearing ways.

Yet she’s turned into a beautiful woman, one I didn’t expect to see sitting inside my office. Her face has changed, slimmed out with her features more defined. Her hair, cut shorter and a different color, offers a more mature style than the long hair I remember she always had in pigtails.

But it was her quiet, rather introverted attitude, which puzzles me the most. As a child, she was a boisterous daredevil, nothing at all like the Little Miss Precious, Ava. She dared me to jump out of trees and tested me in the pool with ridiculous races she’d have us compete. And the little girl who would demand my attention on my family trips to California had soon become the bane of my existence.

Shaking my head, I push the thoughts out of my mind and send a text to Elisha—a woman who offers a great fuck whenever I need it. Within seconds, she responds eagerly with an open invitation to her place tonight.

There. Done.

As the afternoon drags on, so do my rampant thoughts. By the time everyone leaves the boardroom, I’ve abandoned Elisha’s invitation. Although I had prompted it, I decide to head over to my parents’ place, needing a good old pep talk from Dad, who’ll knock some sense into me about staying single and fucking whomever I please.

I punch the code, opening the door, and yell out to my parents.

“Will?” Mom responds, unsure, as I walk through the apartment toward the kitchen.

“Yeah, it’s me, is Dad around—”

My words fall flat, stopping at the dining room as emerald-green eyes feast upon me. Fuck.

“I’m glad you’re here, come join us. Sebastian is visiting your grandparents,” Mom offers, opening a seat beside Amelia.

Amelia’s eyes widen until she drops her face quietly, not saying a word. Huh, interesting from Miss Keep-Your-Dick-in-Check Edwards. Curiosity overcomes me as I accept my mom’s offer and take a seat beside her. Her body almost stiffens, making this all the more fun.

“Amelia tells us that she visited you today?”

“Yes,” I say, taking a sip of the wine Mom poured, though eyeing the beer Dad has in his hand.

“She’s a beauty, isn’t she?” Dad chuckles with his cheeky grin. “You’re going to drive all the college boys crazy, just like your mother.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Uncle Rocky,” she answers politely.

“How are you enjoying college life?” Mom asks.

“I love it, to be honest. Homesick at times, but aside from that, I’m enjoying being in New Haven. It’s a beautiful place.”

“Yale has the most wicked parties.” Dad whistles, digging his fork into his chicken like the caveman he is. “Do you remember that one when the cops were called, and you and I were—”

“Jesus, Dad, please don’t continue that sentence.”

My mom purses her lips, hiding her smile.

“I hope you’re enjoying the social aspects. It’s good to have a well-rounded college experience. A college boyfriend isn’t so bad, either.”

“I’m kind of… well, seeing someone.”

My ears perk up, though I keep my gaze fixated on the plate in front of me.

“Oh, from Yale?”

“Actually, no, he attends John Hopkins.”

“How did you meet?” Mom continues. “John Hopkins isn’t exactly close.”

“Back in LA, we… uh… decided to continue our relationship.”

I don’t know why this information bothers me. A stupid high school crush means nothing. And she’s a fool to think she can keep a guy from screwing the girls knocking on his door. What do you care, anyway?

“Well, take it from us, young love can turn into a lifetime. I’m sure your parents can say the same.”

Great, now they just contradicted my entire thought process.

The rest of the conversation revolves around college. My input is required here and there. Dad steers the conversation to work, which raises the topic of hiring a new assistant. For fuck’s sake, why does everyone feel the need to entertain themselves with my fucking business?

“It’s late,” Amelia says, checking her phone. “I should catch the train back.”

“You’ll do nothing of the sort. Rocky, drive her back?”

“Of course.” Dad wipes his mouth, pushing his chair back to find his keys.

“I’ll take her,” I offer, all eyes falling on me, including Copyright 2016 - 2024