Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,186

skin since the rule is either the short top or short shorts—not both.

Ava wraps her hands around my father, hugging him tightly. She has always been his favorite, unlike me—the black sheep. When it came to Ava, she got anything she wanted, and I swear, when she entered the room, he looked somewhat relieved to see her rather than focus on me.

“Amelia has received her college responses,” Mom softly says before scowling. “Ava, what’s with that top? Don’t you think it’s a bit too tight now?”

“All the more reason to go shopping,” Ava responds with a grin, taking a seat beside my father and grabbing the letter. “Oh, USC, you can live at home.”

I ignore her, knowing all too well she understands my hesitation in remaining close to home. Dragging the letter opener through the next envelope, I pull it out quickly to read, Dear Amelia, Congratulations! I am pleased to offer you admission to the University of California, Berkeley.

With a pleasing smile, I slide it over to Mom. Her chocolate-brown eyes dart back and forth until the corners of her mouth turn upward. Momentarily, she glances toward my father, who offers no emotion upon reading the acceptance letter.

The final envelope sits in front of me, the most crucial one of all. The college I chose, the college I have dreamed of attending for as long as I can remember—Mom’s alma mater—Yale.

The navy logo sits in the corner, the envelope not as thick as the others. I prepare myself for the worse, the possibility of my dreams being shattered all in this one moment.

I have so desperately wanted to study law, and aside from Harvard, which I opted not to apply to, this is the one place where I want to start my future.

The sharp blade glides once again across the seal as I take a deep breath, my stomach tied in knots. I close my eyes briefly before pulling the letter out and opening it wide.

“What is it?” Ava asks in anticipation.

Dear Amelia, Welcome to Yale!

I release a loud breath, falling back onto the chair, overjoyed at the words which seal my fate. The straight A’s, and everything I did to make my college application as best as it could be, has paid off—this letter proof of exactly that.

My eyes do a double-take before Mom’s hand rests on mine. “Congratulations, honey. You’ve worked so hard for this.”

Clearing her throat, she follows with, “Lex, would you like to say something?”

Slowly, my eyes lift to meet my father’s. Unlike Mom, who is on the verge of tears, his reaction is the complete opposite. The hard stare and the way his hands clench against the tabletop is anything but welcoming.

Growing up with a father who also happens to run a billion-dollar empire wasn’t always easy. Sure, we had a beautiful home and nice cars—money was never an issue. But Lex Edwards is a known tycoon. His intimidating stare alone frightens anyone who has the audacity to challenge him. All but Mom, she somehow has him under some sort of weird spell.

And being the oldest had its disadvantages. I was the guinea pig of his rules. The only saving grace was Mom. She understood me and had often played the mediator between us. The last few years had been the hardest. We had somewhat of a distant relationship, though I never truly understood why.

However, this time, I doubt he’ll listen to her.

Yale is across the other side of the country, and even though it has been my dream, my father’s slow and steady gait warns me that the battle has only begun.

I hold his stare, crossing my arms, knowing we’re about to get heated.

“I don’t expect a congratulation from you, Dad. But you, of all people, understand the importance of working hard toward your goals, unlike some other children of yours who’ll remain nameless.” I purposely ignore Ava’s roll of her eyes. “I have studied hard to get straight A’s. I didn’t spend my weekends shopping or attending parties. In fact, I declined almost every social invitation aside from tonight’s, which you so easily refused my attendance. I’ve done nothing but invest my time into making sure I got the results which were needed to get into an Ivy League school.”

His eyes soften, and perhaps, my words finally get through to him.

But, of course, my victory is only momentary. He toys with his cufflink, still wearing the suit he wore to work today. Although he has removed his jacket, his white business shirt Copyright 2016 - 2024