Reign of Night (Thorne Hill #7) - Emily Goodwin Page 0,49

Hell before, and he’ll do it again, I’m sure of it.”

Everyone looks at me like I’m off my rocker, and maybe I am. But, dammit, I want so badly to believe Lucifer will do the right thing. He’s the devil, but only because he was made to be so. Maybe it’s wrong of me—naive, even—to believe he’s not evil, but I just can’t see him in that light.

He’s not the dark lord he’s been pictured as. He’s family, and if anyone knows how it feels to be cast out and sentenced to a life away from those you thought loved you, it’s us.

Bael busted his own ass out of jail, and Lucifer had nothing to do with it. I get why both he and my father spun that lie, blaming a powerful demon for Remiel’s demise. But Lucifer did nothing wrong. He risked just as much as Michael to protect me, after all…right?

“Well, if it doesn’t, you know where to find us.” Easton finally takes a bite of his pizza, and I pick another pepperoni off mine, wishing my familiars were here to eat it because they’re suddenly unappetizing. I should have just ordered plain cheese.

“I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves,” I go on. “But we’ve been around the block long enough not to kid ourselves.”

“Right,” Melinda says, looking like she’s going to need a Xanax to sleep tonight. “And in the meantime, is there anything we can help you with?”

“No,” I say with certainty. “I’m trying to take the next few months off, though if you happen to notice any—” I cut off when Lucas’s gaze weighs heavily on me. “If you think the world is gonna end, give me a heads up.”

Her lips curve into a forced smile. “I can do that. And let me know, too? I don’t want to be blindsided like the dinosaurs.”

I laugh. “I will totally let you know if a meteor is headed this way.” I pick off another pepperoni and take a bite of pizza, setting the remainder of the slice back on my plate. I wipe my hands on a napkin and lean back, eyelids heavy.

“Are you tired?” Lucas asks, and I know he’s only asking to prove a point. It’s late, and I’d be tired if I wasn’t pregnant. He wants Easton and Melinda to leave but is withholding outright kicking them out for my benefit.

“Yeah, it’s late,” I reply. I actually don’t even know what time it is, only that it’s past midnight. “Do you guys want to stay?” I ask and purposely ignore Lucas’s annoyed glare. “There’s room here, and all I want is to pass out.”

“We’re not far,” Easton tells me. I’m not sure where they’re staying or if they even have a place of semi-permanent residence. A lot of hunters move around, following demons on a case-by-case basis. I thought Easton and Melinda might have had some sort of housing set up with some other hunters, but when Easton failed to shoot Lucas point blank, another hunter accused him of going soft, and I know both he and Melinda had to sever ties with several other demon-hunting friends.

“Oh good,” I say with a yawn.

“You sure you’re good?” Easton asks.

“She’s fine,” Lucas answers.

“I am,” I agree. “And honestly, guys, I don’t want you to worry. I hate bringing anyone else into the drama. I know you didn’t sign up for it.”

“Neither did you,” Melinda shoots back, meaning it innocently enough.

“I know,” I say. “But here I am, and I don’t want you guys to get caught in my mess.”

“Demons taking over the world is kind of a whole human, entire planet sort of thing,” Easton says. “But call it what you want.”

“I’m aware. And if it comes to that…I’ll let you know. I’m sorry I got you involved tonight.”

“We kinda got you involved,” Melinda says.

“Oh, right. You did call me.” I shake my head. “It’s been a long day.”

“We’ll go,” Easton says, looking at his sister. “Call if anything changes?”

“I’ll probably text, but yeah.” I get up to walk them to the door.

“Whoa,” Melinda says, looking at me. “How did I not notice before?”

“Huh?” I ask, right as I realize what she’s talking about, and I put one hand on my stomach. “Yeah, this kind of happened overnight.”

“You are going to be such a cute pregnant lady,” Melinda says with a smile. “All belly, I’m sure.”

“I think so,” I tell her, unable to keep the smile off my face. “And my sister said the same Copyright 2016 - 2024