Reign of a King (Kingdom Duet #1) - Rina Kent Page 0,20


My phone vibrates in my pocket and I retrieve it.

Aiden. Speak of the devil.

“Jonathan, finally.”

“Hello to you, too, son.”

“Forget about that. Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”

“One, you’re on your honeymoon on my island, and if I might add, you still didn’t thank me for it. Two, some of us have work to do.”

To say my relationship with my son is strained would probably be putting it lightly. He’s hated me since his mother’s death. Not that I mind. It’s his hatred for me that’s made him grow up into the man he is today.

While I do not approve of his taste in women, I have no doubt King Enterprises will be in good hands twenty or thirty years from now.

There’s a pause on the other end of the line before he speaks quietly. “Who is she?”

“Who is who?”

“You know exactly who I’m talking about. Who the fuck was that woman who looked like Alicia’s ghost? And don’t even try to tell me you don’t know everyone who appeared at the wedding.”

This is long overdue. Aiden’s been trying to reach me since the wedding, and I know it’s not because he misses me. Avoiding his question is only delaying the inevitable.

“She’s your aunt.”

“My aunt? Since when do I have an aunt?”

“You always did. Aurora is Alicia’s half-sister. She was born after an affair between your grandmother and a commoner from the North. That’s why no one likes to talk about her existence.”

“Why didn’t I know?”

“Because neither Alicia nor Aurora wanted you to.”

“As if that explains everything. Why is she back now?”

That’s what I would like to find out, and I will. She’ll also tell me all about the shitstorm that went down after Maxim Griffin’s arrest.

‘I saw the devil today, darling. I think he’s coming after me.’

At first, I thought Alicia said that as a result of her hallucinations. She often woke up in the middle of the night and roamed the house, scribbling words everywhere. However, more recently, I’m starting to think that maybe there was something different going on. Maybe she did see the devil.

The look on Aurora’s face whenever I mention Maxim’s name is too similar to Alicia’s horrified expression to write it off as a coincidence. Not that I ever believe in those.

A knock sounds on the door. I check my watch. Ten minutes early. Impressive.

“I have company,” I tell Aiden and hang up before he says anything. After slipping the phone back in my pocket, I say, “Come in.”

But instead of being faced with the stormy blue eyes that look ready for trouble, my driver appears at my doorstep. His white-gloved hands lie inert at his sides and his bald head shines under the light.


“What is it, Moses? Why are you here?”

“The lady sent me back.”

My fingers strangle the glass until I nearly break it. I was so sure she’d accept. She should have. All the facts point in that direction, yet she went straight against that possibility.

Well played, Aurora.

She’s taken me by surprise for the second time since her reappearance.

There will not be a third.



The fact that I’m cornered doesn’t mean I'll bow down or drop to my knees.

It also doesn’t mean that I will needlessly provoke a much stronger opponent than me. My survival instinct has taught me to pick my battles and learn my worth.

Just because I collapsed once doesn’t mean I will allow myself to be broken again.

So tonight, I sent away Jonathan’s driver. I also didn’t give him a reason. I have no doubt his tyrant boss will not be pleased. I just hope he doesn’t take it out on him or something.

It’s not a vain provocation. It’s my way to tell Jonathan with no words that he doesn’t get to order me around.

I might be willing to do this, but it will be on my terms and my terms alone.

I step out of my flat and lock the door. The cold air from the corridor creeps into my bones, despite the beige coat that I’m wearing over my black knee-length dress. The one I reserve for funerals.

My face is makeup-free and I spent no effort in being presentable.

Screw Jonathan. I’ll never get done up for him.

Not only did that tyrant push me into a hole, but he’s also burying me alive.

Layla still insists on starting anew; however, my decision has been made. I’ll play Jonathan’s game, but unlike what he plans, I won’t be the one coming out of this in pieces.

He broke my sister beyond repair and Copyright 2016 - 2024