Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,8

builds and an air of danger that seemed to vibrate from every pore. The one closest to her was a tall beautiful black man with muscular forearms and butt most of the male models she worked with would die for. He was probably late thirties by her guess and had a deep rumbling voice as he talked to the Detective.

The other man had short mousy brown hair, a strong jawline, and as he turned to look at her, cool blue eyes and cheeky smile.

“Who are they?”

Reid leaned into pet Bono, who by some miracle hadn’t even growled when she’d been pulled in to this stranger’s arms. Reid looked to his friends and smirked. “That’s Mitch and Liam,” he said, introducing the two men who had walked over to them.

Mitch, the gorgeous black man stuck his hand out and she took it. “Good to meet ya.”

“Nice to meet you too, Mitch.” Her smile felt genuine in the wake of his easy manner.

Mitch turned to the other man. “This is Liam. He’ll try and flirt with you. Please ignore him or spray him with water if he tries anything, we’re still trying to house train him.”

Callie laughed and took his hand, which he flipped and kissed her knuckles. “Wonderful to meet you, Calista.”

“Please call me, Callie.” She looked around at Reid and almost blushed at the heated look in his eyes.

“Let me get some real clothes on and I’ll brew some coffee and tell you everything. I know this is a favour for Clay, so I won’t waste too much of your time.”

“Miss Lundholm, we’re all finished here.” Detective Brant handed her a card. “If you need anything, please call. Although I expect you’ll be in safe hands with these three,” he said waving his hand at the three men now heading toward her roof terrace.

“Thank you.”

The detective nodded. “Don’t be a stranger, Mitch,” he called, and Mitch saluted him.

Slipping into her bedroom downstairs, Callie quickly pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a simple vee-neck white tee before scrunching her hair into a sloppy bun on her head. She looked down at Bono at her feet. “So, what do we think of the hot guys in the living room, boy?”

The question obviously went unanswered and she shrugged. She was usually immune to hot guys, but the three men in her living room couldn’t be described as guys. Oh no, they were all man, especially the tattooed one with the sexy Southern drawl and eyes she wanted to drown in. Unfortunately, he was her brother’s oldest and most trusted friend so that wasn’t going to happen.

The thought made her suddenly sad, which was crazy. She didn’t even know him; he could have a girlfriend, or be an asshole who cheated, or have some strange venereal disease with a super long name.

Callie took one last look in the mirror and decided lazy Sunday chic was going to have to do because she didn’t have it in her for anything else. Which reminded her, she needed to call Sophia and tell her what happened. She had a six-thirty call for make-up in the morning and the make-up artist would throw a fit when he saw the bags under her eyes.

She would cancel if she could, but she hated to let anyone down. Gaining a reputation as a diva or as an unreliable booking could kill a career in the industry, and she’d worked too hard to fuck it all up because of some asshole who wanted to scare her.

Still, a shiver raced up her spine as she thought of the eyes that had seemed to penetrate her. With any luck, all of this would soon be sorted.

Chapter Three

Reid moved to the edge of the terrace and looked over the side, quickly identifying where the intruder had come in. The walled area seemed secure, but with the ledge from the wall, it was only a jump of a couple of metres to the roof of the next building. From there, it would be easy grab on and haul yourself up and over.

He would see about getting some razor wire on the top of there to stop that happening and close the hole in her security. He wasn’t sure who was handling her protection, but they needed a kick in the ass. The fact that he, Liam, and Mitch had been able to walk past the front desk and up the stairs without being stopped was a joke.

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