Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,75

as he watched Gunner blink as his eyes adjusted to the light in the room. As he did, Liam saw him look around at each of the men present, assessing them as he would do.

Finally, Gunner’s gaze stopped on Jack as the leader of the team—his old leader before he’d done what he had. Liam clenched his fists in an effort to remain calm on the outside at least. What did surprise Liam was the lack of expression on Gunner’s face. It wasn’t what he was trying to hide that surprised Liam, but rather what he wasn’t hiding.

He didn’t show signs of hate or dislike. In fact, Liam could see he was trying hard not indicate anything, yet relief was in his every movement. This surprised Liam, and he looked at Decker, wondering what he thought. Of course, Decker showed not a single emotion, the man was a robot the way he hid every personal feeling as if he worried someone would perhaps profile him.

Jack stepped forward his arms loose at his side. “Nothing to say? No apology or excuses?” His voice was hard and cold, and Liam was glad he wasn’t on the wrong side of that.

Gunner angled his head to look up at Jack. “Is there any point? You’ve already decided how you feel.” Gunner shrugged, but it wasn’t without feeling, it was resigned. “I don’t blame you for hating me, fuck, I hate myself.”

“I hope you don’t expect us to feel sorry for you,” Alex growled from where he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.

Gunner twisted to him and shook his head. “No. But I’m praying with everything in me that you’re better men than I am. That you’re the men I know you to be.”

Liam let out a bark of humourless laughter. “You don’t know fuck about me.”

Gunner focused on him. “Don’t I? I know you still mourn Ambrose. That you always resented me for taking his spot on the team.”

Liam dove for Gunner, his hand clamping around his throat as fury almost blinded him. “Don’t speak his fucking name. You’re not fit to lick his shoes. He was ten times the man you are, that I am.”

Jack watched, not interfering for a moment, letting Liam have his say. Gunner didn’t fight him or pull away, allowing the attack. Liam realised at that moment he was taunting him, so he punished him. He hated himself as much as anyone else in that room did, probably more. Liam relaxed and let go, allowing Gunner to take a deep rasping breath.

“You’re right, I’m not worthy of any of you, but I need your help.”

The room went silent at this request, and the men glanced to one another in question. Jack took the lead. “Why would we help you?”

“Because you’re good men.”

“No, we aren’t. We kill, we maim, and all in the name of our Queen.”

“Yes, you are because you don’t hurt innocents and you have a code.”

“A code you seem to have thrown away.”

Gunner hung his head before he tipped it up to Jack. “I had my reasons.”

Jack paced slowly. “Oh, we know. Milla. We know all about your sister.” Gunner’s eyes widened in surprise, and Jack continued. “Yes, we know all about Milla. What I can't understand is why you didn’t come to us?”

It was hard not to hear the betrayal in Jack’s voice.

“I couldn’t. They already had her, and if I’d told you they would’ve known. I couldn’t take that risk.”

“How would they have known?” Decker asked, speaking for the first time.

Gunner twisted to him. “I had to carry a chip with a mic and camera. If they thought for one second, I’d signalled you, she would be dead.”

Decker nodded but didn’t say any more, just lifted his chin at Jack.

“What is this favour?”

“I need you to find my sister and rescue her. I thought I could do as they asked but I can’t. I can’t lose her either.” His anguish and pain were on display for all to see, and Liam noted the dark circles under Gunner’s eyes. The man was exhausted, hanging on by a fraying rope.

Liam thought of the women in his life, those he thought of as sisters and wondered what he would have done. He liked to think he would’ve done differently, but would he? He didn’t know, and much as he hated it, his ire at Gunner faded just a fraction.

“Who are they?”

“A man who calls himself the Count. He has his headquarters at a strip club in London. Copyright 2016 - 2024