Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,63

we’re planning a rescue now. You want in, you need to play nice.”

Clay lifted his bag, and without another glance in his direction, followed Liam back toward the war room.

Reid moved to stand on the opposite side of the room as Liam made the introductions. Jack shook hands with Clay and told him he was welcome to join them as long as he could follow orders and wouldn’t be a problem.

“Not a problem for me.” Clay looked at Reid with a strained, angry expression. Reid understood but it still stung. “I’m good.”

“Great.” Jack quickly brought Clay up to speed on everything that they knew about Callie and Sophia so far. “Now, unfortunately, we have some business that is completely classified, so I’m going to have to ask you to step out. Blake can show you where to stow your stuff and change.”

Clay picked up his bag and with one more glance at Reid, followed Blake from the room.

“Right, I have an idea about how to deal with Gunner,” Jack said. “I want us to make it look like we killed Milla.”

Reid looked up and around to gauge the other’s reaction, and they seemed as confused as he was, except perhaps Liam.

“We make it looked like we killed her, then once we have Gunner here, we’ll tell him she’s safe and will remain that way and send him back. He can tell whoever the fuck he works for that he wants us all dead because of what we did, and it should keep his cover. He can get us more information, and we can shut this down for good.”

“Do you think he’ll go for it?” Lopez asked.

“Yes, because his sister was the reason he turned and if he doesn’t, I’ll make sure he never sees her again. Plus, he owes us.”

“We can’t trust him,” Liam stated as he clenched his fists at his side.

“No, we can’t, but we’ll at least have the upper hand this time.”

Liam shrugged. “Fine, let’s do it.”

“Can Fortis stage that?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, they can do it.” Jack nodded just as the phone on the desk rang.

Every pair of eyes moved to look at it as if it might rise up and bite them before Jack answered. It was go time.

Chapter Twenty-Four

As time wore on, Callie noticed Sophia become more anxious, her control and temper slipping. She wasn’t sure if this was good for her or not, but it did give Reid more time to find her.

It had to have been hours since she’d been taken, and she wondered if the tracker was working as she looked at her shoe. Will had assured her that it worked and had even shown her on the computer. It had been a fail-safe that had given her confidence about leaving with Sophia but even if she hadn’t had it, she still would have gone. The look of abject fear on the young mother’s face as Sophia threatened her son would stay with her forever.

Callie assessed Sophia, unsure how she’d missed all the signs that now seemed so clear. The calculated desire to succeed she’d seen as a drive to do well. The control she’d thought was a woman trying to work in a male-driven business was just a need for power. All the traits she’d seen as good things were signs that this woman would sell out her own mother to get what she wanted.

“Just out of interest, how much are they paying you?” Callie watched as Sophia swung around to face her. The woman looked more unhinged as the day wore into the night.

Sophia offered her a sneer that was ugly and cold. “More than you ever could, so don’t bother trying.”

“I had no intention of it. I wouldn’t waste my money or my breath trying to negotiate with you.” Callie should perhaps be watching what she said, curbing her tongue and the anger inside her, but anger and fear were a dangerous combination in this situation where she needed to keep a cool head.

Sophia stalked toward her, and lifting her arm, swung, backhanding Callie and sending her head flying.

“Enough,” bellowed a voice to her left.

Callie moved her head gingerly in the direction of the voice as she tasted blood in her mouth. A tall man, with long blond hair, piercing blue eyes, a full beard, and a body most models would die for approached them.

Sophia stepped back and aimed her weapon at him. “Who are you?”

Callie heard the slight tremble in her voice, as if Sophia perhaps knew she Copyright 2016 - 2024