Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,42

for seemed to be what he did best. For a short while he’d made a difference. He’d tried to redeem his ugly soul for the damage he’d caused, but now it was over.

The monster he’d buried reared to life, and he let the ice-cold hatred seep into his veins, freezing any feeling he had. He lifted his head and moved inside and blocked out his regret at betraying the men who’d been his salvation.

Sitting in a chair surrounded by his loyal soldiers was the man who had the most trusted position in England. Beside him was a man Gunner didn’t recognise but he had a familiar air about him that put Gunner on instant alert. The stranger had the demeanour of a businessman, dressed in a tailored suit that most likely hid a weapon at his shoulder. Red hair and beard combed and groomed, the muscles beneath the six-foot frame straining with suppressed energy as he eyed him. Gunner lifted his eyes and met the cold blue ones of the man. He didn’t know him, but his inner demon recognised the killer in him.

“Gunner, I’d like you to meet my colleague, Seamus O’Diomain.”

The man lifted his head but didn’t move to shake his hand and Gunner stayed still. Both men sized each other up, knowing they’d probably end up having to kill the other at some point in time.

“Seamus will be helping you with our little Eidolon problem as you seem to be having trouble pinning this down.”

Gunner’s eyes cut to the seemingly cultured man who sat in a chair like a King, playing God with all their lives because of his greed.

“I don’t need help,” Gunner spat as he imagined choking the life from the man who everyone held in such high regard.

“It wasn’t a request.” Ice dripped from every syllable as the tension in the room rose. The smell of sweat and sex permeated every surface of the place, but nothing was as strong as the scent of death. “You seem to have forgotten who is in charge of this situation but let me remind you.”

He stood and moved to Gunner as Seamus and the other three men watched. Gunner tensed seeing the iPad in his hand. Once beside Gunner, the shorter man, who held no physical power but yet wielded another kind with cruel enjoyment, shoved the screen towards him with a malicious grin.

The image on the screen was of his sister, his once beautiful vibrant sister who was now nothing more than a shell. Her body useless, her brain barely functioning, yet she clung to life. Bile raced up his throat as he watched two of his tormentor’s men step into the room. Their hands were loose at their sides, but the threat clear in the way they moved towards his sister.

“Stop, I’ll do as you ask. Just leave her be.” He said the words that almost broke him. “Tell me what you need me to do, and I’ll do it.”

The man nodded and seated himself again. “The attack on the model did not sufficiently weaken them. I want them broken and bleeding. Find her and kill her. I want them to feel pain before I end their reign as the best Black Ops Team in the business. I want them to hurt before I have you put them down like the rabid dogs they are. Then we’ll swoop in and save the day.”

“I’ll do it now.” Gunner glanced at Seamus as his cold eyes assessed him.

“Take Seamus with you. I want no mistakes. Make them bleed, and then they’ll die, or your sister will feel the pain you should have inflicted on them.”

Gunner walked to the door, his steps weighed down with lead, his heart had died months ago.

“Oh, and, Gunner?”

Gunner turned, hiding his hatred for the man who’d ruined him. “Yes.”

“Kill the boyfriend too but make him watch first.”

Gunner wanted to object. How could he kill a man he saw as a brother? Kill the woman he knew Reid loved just from watching them together? But he had no choice. His mind flew to Milla, and he knew in his heart he had an impossible decision to make. His friends or his sister—the reality was much more straightforward. He’d made it months ago when he’d lied to Jack and the others and saved his sister. Would they have done anything differently? He didn’t think so. The choice he’d made then had led to this day.

He wished he’d told his teammates. He knew they would’ve Copyright 2016 - 2024