Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,30

making her feel like that wouldn’t be enough. The real question now was if he felt the same, and if her stalker killed her before she had a chance to find out.

Chapter Ten

Reid glanced at Callie in the rear view mirror; her head was resting against the window as they drove towards home. If Mitch hadn’t interrupted them earlier, he knew he would have fucked her up against the door. Such was his need for this woman that he forgot where he was and what he was supposed to be doing.

He wondered what was going on inside her pretty head. She was such a contradiction; sweet and funny but also intelligent and astute. It was a deadly combination, and that was before he even touched on her beauty. He’d never met anyone like her in his life and doubted he would again. At least not one that affected him as she did.

They had decided to leave Bono with Briar until everything was settled. Mitch had agreed to drop the dog off after a tearful goodbye with Callie. He would swear it was like she was losing the dog forever the way she cried but after the time she’d had of late he understood it and it made him like her even more.


He turned to the sound of Liam’s voice in the driver’s seat. “What?”

His voice was terser than he’d planned, and he watched Liam lift a knowing brow. He’d worked with Fortis for a while, watched as each of them had fallen for their respective partners. He’d be a fool to think he could hide any kind of affair from these men, but the smirk in his friend’s eye made him wonder if the others saw it as more.

Which led to the fact he needed to speak to Clay. His oldest friend deserved to know the truth and not have his best friend lie about fucking his sister. Just the words made his gut clench. If it was Clay and one of his sisters, how would he react?

The truth was he didn’t know the answer to that. If Clay fucked one of his sisters intending to walk away, he’d probably tear him apart, but if he wanted a future with one of them, he couldn’t think of a better man. But that was Clay, and he was a better man, while he was a risky bet. He’d already walked away from his family as his deadbeat father had.

He glanced again at Callie as she slept away the fatigue of the last few hectic weeks and struggled with his promise to her and his loyalty to Clay. He never should’ve agreed to keep things a secret from Clay. Secrets led to trouble, and they already had enough stress in their lives with this stalker.

“Text Mitch and ask him for an update.”

“Why? Are you expecting something?”

Liam glanced at him. “Nah, but I got this feeling in my gut that shit isn’t right with what happened.”

Reid sat forward, turning slightly to face Liam. “How so?”

Liam glanced into the rear view mirror to check if Callie was still sleeping. “Not sure but the way he described the scene felt off to me.”

“Yeah, I thought the same thing.”

Detective Brant had called Mitch before they left saying the autopsy had been pushed back by someone higher up and they’d now have to wait until tomorrow afternoon for answers. It wasn’t unusual for that to happen if a higher profile case came in, but this one was the high profile case.

Mitch had agreed to stay and keep a close eye on the scene. He was good friends with some of the men on the case and could work it from there while still keeping an eye out for the stalker.

“I know what you mean. You think someone paid off the M.E.?”

“No, McConnell has an excellent reputation for being straight up and is the best Medical Examiner they have, but she’s also a stickler for procedure, so for her to bump the autopsy it had to have come from someone high up.”

“Let’s get Lopez to do some digging into that and see if anything pops. In the meantime, I’ll ask Mitch to keep close to the investigation or as close as he can.”

Reid quickly shot off a text to Mitch outlining what they had discussed. Sitting back, he watched the hedges fly past as the Herefordshire’s familiar vista came into view. This small part of the world that nestled itself on the border of Wales and England had Copyright 2016 - 2024