Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,28

the easier it will be.”

“Sophia won’t like that. Shit, she even has a key to my house, so she has full access to me.”

Reid’s head snapped to her. “Does she indeed.”

“It isn’t Sophia if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but it is someone who knows your schedule and habits.”

She shivered at his words knowing someone she knew—had spoken with—was doing this to her.

“I don’t get it though. Why haven’t I had direct contact with this person? There’s been no demands or threats, just a few gifts or misplaced items and then the break-in and now Tina.” Her throat clogged with emotion on the last word.

Reid took the plate she was drying from her hands and placed it on the side before drawing her into his arms and holding her tight. Her head rested against the steady beat of his heart, her senses overwhelmed with his unique scent that she was fast becoming addicted too. His big hand on the back of her head holding her steady as his cheek rested on her head made her feel safe, protected, but more than that, she felt as if she was home.

Callie closed her eyes and drank in the sensation of being held by Reid, wondering what a lifetime of belonging to a man like him would look like and knowing in her heart it would be beautiful beyond her imagination.

“Nobody knows how the minds of these sick bastards work, sunshine, but we will find them, and they will pay. That I can promise you.”

Callie stayed that way until she heard the door to the back open and looked toward the sound.

Mitch tipped his head, but Reid didn’t let go of her straight away. “Brant good?”

Mitch blew out a breath. “Yeah, the family have been informed, and he said we can release a statement but keep the details to an absolute minimum. I told him we’re taking Callie to Hereford and he agreed it’s the best option.”

Reid released her, and she stepped back, feeling stronger for his touch. “I’ll make the calls to Mel and Sophia. Where will I be staying? Also, I have no clothes or anything with me, except the overnight bag from our trip, but it only has a few essentials in it.”

“You’ll be staying with me unless that’s a problem for you? If it is, I can ask Jack if you can stay at the compound.”

In truth, Callie wanted to relish every second with this man and perhaps staying in his home would unlock some of the secrets he kept hidden and help her unravel the mystery that was Kirk Reid. “With you is fine. I can ask Sophia to send me some clothes.”

“No, I don’t want her or anyone else knowing where you’re staying exactly.”

“Oh, all right but I can’t wear the same clothes for weeks on end, Reid.”

He grinned at her and picked up his phone. “Don’t worry. I know just the woman to sort that for you.”

For some reason, his words caused an arc of jealousy to spear through her. The smirk on Mitch’s face didn’t help either.


“Pax,” Reid agreed and lifted the phone to his ear.

Callie stepped back, pretending to fuss with Bono as she listened and discreetly watched Reid on the phone.

“Hey, Pax, darlin, how you been?”

Callie watched a huge smile stretch across his face and then silently fumed at the soft look that followed. He’d mentioned Pax before, and she wondered who she was to him. An ex-girlfriend, current girlfriend, fuck buddy? She hated her jealously but couldn’t seem to stem it.

“That’s good, darlin, that’s really good. Listen, I need a small favour. I have a friend coming to stay, and she needs enough clothes to last her a few weeks. Can you have some sent to my place?”

Callie watched him nod, and his eyes moved to her a knowing smirk on his face. “No, it ain’t like that, Pax.”

Callie had heard enough of this conversation and walked from the room. He could flirt with the woman as much as he liked, but she didn’t have to listen to it. She was halfway up the stairs when she sensed him behind her. Callie ignored him and went to the room she’d slept in, intending to do what, she had no clue. She tried to shut the door but found herself pinned to it instead.

The heat and hardness of Reid’s body pressed against her. “Like it when you get jealous, sunshine.” His handsome and arrogant face loomed above her as every nerve in Copyright 2016 - 2024