Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,26

a surprise for you.”

Her head tilted and she smiled at him, making him feel ten feet tall. That was what she did to him, made him feel as if pleasing her was the most crucial mission of his life and one he would willingly do.

“You do? What is it?”

“I think it’s best I show you. But first, we have to talk.” He had to tell her about the housekeeper and the plan to go to Hereford for a while.


He heard the caution in her voice and hated it. He took her hand, trying to offer comfort and swirled his thumb over the soft skin between her thumb and forefinger. Her eyes held apprehension but also trust and the lingering edges of desire.

All he wanted to do was kiss her and forget about the rest, but he couldn’t, not yet. “The woman in your flat was Tina Pugh.”

Callie gasped, and moisture hit her eyes in a second. “Oh no, poor Tina. Was it quick?”

It was a question most people asked in some variation. Was it quick? Did they suffer? Most people didn’t want to know the truth.

He answered her as honestly as he could. “It was quick in the end.”

“But not the beginning?” she asked.

He should have known she was too smart to fall for his evasion. “No, sunshine, it wasn’t.”

“You find them, Reid, and when you do, make them suffer for hurting her,” she said the words with venom for her friend.

He swept a lock of her blonde hair from her cheek. “I will, sunshine, I promise.” Callie nodded, accepting him at his word. “There’s more.”


“I want us to go to Hereford until this is settled. I can protect you better there, and things are too hot down here. I know you have commitments, and we can sort those, but this is best way I can protect you.”

“Okay, I’m happy to follow your lead.”

Reid was slightly shocked by her easy acquiescence. “Really?”

“I’m not an idiot, Reid. People are dying. I won’t have anyone else hurt because of me. If you think Hereford is best, I’ll cancel my commitments and do what I’m told.”

“But this could hurt your career.”

“My career is important but not more important than innocent people getting hurt. That could have been Flynn or Briar or Sophia that are lying dead. I won’t risk it.”

“Good, now let’s go downstairs and see your surprise. Then we can eat before we get on the road.”

He kissed her forehead, holding the kiss longer than usual as he inhaled the scent of peaches which he’d come to associate with her. This woman surprised him at every turn, and it was slowly melting all his barriers.

With his hand on her back, he guided her down the stairs. Reid never got the chance to show her the surprise before the surprise jumped all over her, licking her face and neck. Reid had never been jealous of a dog until now.

Fucking lucky mutt.

Chapter Nine

As Callie ate the last piece of bacon on her plate, she sat back and looked at the three men at the table. They were all protectors, robust, handsome and ready to take a bullet for anyone they deemed to be under their care. Right now, that was her. Liam was a huge flirt, but she sensed it was all for show, to protect himself or hide the real man beneath, who was more vulnerable than he liked to admit.

Then there was Mitch, who was the calm, cool unshakeable one. He didn’t talk a lot, but what he did say was either relaxed and funny or completely serious depending on the topic. When he spoke about work, it was serious but other than that, it was as if nothing fazed him. She would bet he could walk into any situation and instantly adapt.

Her eyes landed on Reid who was absently stroking Bono’s head as her beloved dog sat by his side. Reid was the one she couldn’t figure out. He was a protector, and the way he talked about his sisters and mom made her smile. There was no doubt he loved them and would do anything for them. She knew from Clay his sister had been sick, and how worried Reid had been for her.

Her heart ached for him. To be so far away and not know what was happening, made her realise how Clay must feel. The attraction between her and Reid was palpable, but she didn’t know if he was prepared to take it any further. He wanted her, Copyright 2016 - 2024