Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,15

would’ve squeezed the life out of him for the stupid comments and lacklustre care given to Callie.

How Clay had let his sister end up with a company like that in charge of her protection was anyone’s guess and something they would be discussing as soon as he got a second.

He followed a silent Callie onto the set where he’d been stopped by a pompous ass in a suit who told him it was a closed set. The stupid prick even decided to put his hands on him to make his point.

“I suggest you take your fucking hand away before I break it.”

The growl had made Callie spin around and look at him. “Mel, it’s okay, he’s with me. He’s my…” She looked at him, trying to find the words.

“Bodyguard,” Reid supplied.

Mel looked between the two of them. “I didn’t know you had new security, Callie darling,” he said with a dismissive glare at Reid.

“Yes. Reid, this is Mel Compton, he’s my media manager. Mel, this is Reid.” She offered a forced smile as she introduced them. Callie looped her arm through Mel’s and led him toward the set. “It’s a new development.”

Her words and manner were easy only Reid saw the possessive way Mel-the-pencil-dick wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer. Reid clenched his fists and then forcibly relaxed and pushed the tension away. It was none of his business who touched her. The fact he wasn’t worthy to kiss her boots was irrelevant, what was relevant was that Mel had access to her like he did on set. That made him a suspect as far as he was concerned.

The next two hours were a lesson in patience Reid didn’t know he lacked. Callie had been greeted by a man named Pierce, who was tall, good looking if you liked pretty boys, and who was wearing next to nothing. When Callie had taken her robe off, he’d had to grip his phone so hard to keep from grabbing her that he heard the screen crack. She was wearing the tiniest bikini he had ever seen, with triangle top that barely covered the lush mounds of her tits. His eyes moved over her, coming to a stop on the small string tie bottoms before travelling over her muscular, toned thighs.

To say Callie was a bombshell was to sell her short, the woman was a fucking knockout, and there was no mistaking she was all woman. Every single brotherly thought he’d been valiantly trying to make his brain think went out the window.

His dick was semi-hard just looking at her in a room full of people. How in God’s name was he meant to keep his hands, and mouth for that matter, off a woman who looked like her, who was cute as fuck, and gave him back as good as she got? The answer was he couldn’t. He was in big trouble.

She walked up to him, utterly unaffected by her near nakedness, which was sexy as fuck in itself. “This may be boring for you. I’m safe on set, so if you have things to do, you can go. I should be done about noon.”

“Nope, I’m good right here. I have some calls to make and emails to go over, but I won’t be leaving you alone.”

Callie shrugged. “Okay, suit yourself.”

With that, she turned and walked away, and the back view was as phenomenal as the front, the curves of her ass on show as she swung her hips in a maddening way that made him think of fucking her doggy style again.

The safest bet for his piece of mind and his libido was to stick Mitch or Liam on her close protection detail, but he was fucked if he was going to let them see her like this. Granted they could go buy the magazine when it came out, but he didn’t need to know about that.

The next hour was spent watching as the photographer yelled poses at her, sometimes moving to drape her body in just the way he wanted it. The poses were provocative and sexy, and he could see it was damn hard work, harder than he’d realised, and Callie was a God damn professional the entire time.

Towards the end of the shoot the photographer had Pierce, who much to his annoyance was utterly professional, strip his swim shorts off and wear a tiny piece of fabric that covered his junk. The shot made it look like he was naked once he stood Copyright 2016 - 2024