Refugee Page 0,83

hands on her were enough to make her toes curl and heat spread through her body despite the chill of the water. She squeezed his bare arms, savoring in the firm flesh and fine hairs that bristled over it before she reluctantly released him. She moved onto her back, floating lazily through the water as Braith's fingers slid into hers.


Frustration boiled through him, his fingers twitched as his irritation mounted. He couldn't stand to watch as Aria labored through the swamp with her brother and the rest of the humans. It wasn't like it was easy for him and the other vampires, but their greater power and strength made it less difficult to move through the water and mud that clasped at them like quicksand with each step. She looked exhausted but continued onward, her head bowed, her face scrunched in aggravation as she worked at pulling one foot out at a time.

He froze, fury tore through him as Max seized hold of her arm, helping to keep her upright as she stumbled. That was it. "Braith!" Jack hissed as he grabbed hold of his arm.

"Get your hand off of me!"

"They can't know."

"They already know Jack."

He jerked his arm away from his brother, ignoring Gideon, Ashby and Xavier as he waded through the muck and mire. Max released her instantly, he tried to move swiftly to the side but the swamp hindered his movements. "Braith wait." He didn't listen to her as he lifted her from the mud with a loud sucking noise. Her feet kicked for a moment before he slid her onto his back. She faltered, and then her knees locked against his sides and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"You shouldn't have done that," she whispered in his ear.

"They're humans Aria, they won't hurt us." Her displeasure was evident in the stiffness of her body. She didn't lean against him, didn't relax as she had on their first trip through the swamps, but he'd be damned if he'd allow her to struggle, and double damned before he allowed Max to be the one to help her. "It will be fine," he muttered as he kept walking.

Her head dropped against his back, her forehead rested against his neck for a brief moment before she pulled away. He ignored the questioning stares directed at them, Aria kept her head down as he rejoined Jack, Gideon, Ashby and Xavier. Jack and Gideon looked as if their heads were going to explode, Xavier turned silently away. It was Ashby that held his attention though. He had paled considerably; his lips were clamped and nearly bloodless as he studied them.

By mid afternoon most of the humans were starting to waiver, the heat of the day and the exertion to continue onward was wearing them down. Aria had managed to squiggle from his arms over an hour ago but he kept her close to his side, helping to lift her when she became mired by the mud. Her sweaty hair stuck to her skin, her face was florid from her effort, but it was her eyes that bothered him most.

He'd become acutely aware of the fact that there was a distance in them that hadn't been there just days ago. There was a resignation to them, wariness, and a sense of loss that he didn't understand. She smiled at him, she held his hand, but he felt a wall in her that had never existed before. He knew better than to believe it was due to her apprehension over the upcoming war. She may be afraid, but she had never allowed it to rule her before.

He was also aware of a difference in his brother. It was not as pronounced as Aria's, but Jack was colder and a little more distant. Even though they were brothers, Braith knew Jack's main loyalty lay with the rebellion, a fact that he had already proven by taking Aria away from him once.

A pit began to form in his stomach. No, it couldn't be possible. When Jack had taken her before, he had been unaware of the fact that Braith had already shared his blood with her, that he had established the connection that would allow him to find Aria wherever she went. Jack was well aware of that fact now, he wouldn't be so foolish as to think he could try and take her again and get away with it.

But something was up, he was certain of it.

Aria halted so abruptly that he almost snapped at Copyright 2016 - 2024