Refugee Page 0,40

desert. She was shaking with the impulse, struggling not to succumb to the urge. She could be of help, she knew it, but she also knew she would be a huge distraction for Braith. Her hands fisted in frustration as a feeling of helplessness flooded her.

Ashby watched her with a wary expression that alerted her to the fact he was well aware of what she was thinking. "You know he'll kill me if I end up having to tie you up," he warned her.

Aria couldn't help but give him a feeble smile as she shook her head. "He wouldn't kill you."

"Like hell," Ashby muttered.

Aria crooked an eyebrow at him but refrained from arguing. "I'm going to watch."

"I didn't expect anything less."

Though Ashby said the words, he still looked guarded as Aria popped the door back open. She was about to stick her head out when Ashby grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. "Ashby..."

"Let me go first."

She frowned at him in displeasure, but relented as he pulled her away from the door. The chatter hit her instantly; she could practically feel the excitement palpitating through the room. Ashby took hold of her arm and turned her in the opposite direction of the crush trying to work their way out the door.

Ashby kept her behind him, using his body to shield her from the stragglers drifting through the house. He shouldered aside a questioning young man that eyed Aria with interest. A low growl emanated from Ashby's chest, the color drained from the man's face as he hurried on down the stairs.

"Idiot," Ashby mumbled under his breath.

Aria craned her neck to watch the young man. "Is he human Ashby?"

"He is."

"Why is he so interested in us?"

"Because he's an idiot." Aria turned back around as Ashby placed a gentle hand in the small of her back, urging her on before swiftly removing his touch. Aria forgot all about the young man as she hurried up the last few steps, she nearly bolted to the broken window at the end of the hall. She placed her hands against the sill, leaning out to watch the group spread out across the sand. She searched frantically for Braith, but he was nowhere to be seen amongst the crowd and run-down structures surrounding them.

Panic seized hold of her, her hands curled around the ledge as she bent further out. It was bad enough not being able to be with him, but not being able to see him was a thousand times worse. Ashby grabbed hold of her shoulder, pulling her back as he pried her hands from the sill.

She was stunned to see blood welling up on her palms and fingers. There had still been glass in the frames, but she hadn't felt the bite of it against her flesh. "How did you manage to stay alive this long?" Ashby inquired as he tore the edges of his shirt and used the rags to wrap her damaged hands.

"I didn't feel it."

"I know."

She turned eagerly back to the window as he released her hands. "Where is he?"

Ashby's shoulder pressed against hers as he peered out the window. "There."

She followed his finger to a building about four hundred feet away. She could just barely make out the form of someone standing in the doorway of a small shack. He was half hidden amongst the shifting sand, and blinding light. Though it was difficult to discern the figure completely, she knew instantly that Ashby was right, it was Braith.

Her fingers twitched, she pulled the bow from her back and propped it on the floor before her. It would be tricky to get a clear shot with so many below, but she was going to do her best to take out as many as possible. Braith may not want her down there, but he hadn't said anything about her taking position right here.

She watched as more figures crept forward. Gideon had said that they were drawn by the presence of anyone in the desert sands, they did not discriminate, they were hungry and they didn't care how many were awaiting them or how powerful they were. The promise of blood was a strong motivator to these lost, ravenous souls.

"Do you think we can get on the roof?" she inquired.

"Do you want to see me dismembered?"

Aria chuckled as she shook her head. "I don't think he's quite as volatile as you make him sound."

"No Aria, he is. The only thing that might keep him sane if something were to happen to Copyright 2016 - 2024