Refugee Page 0,37

couldn't wait to get him alone to find out the details, but it would be awhile before that happened.

Calista sat regally beside Saul, her head held high on her slender neck. Her skin was not as dark as Xavier's, but a soft brown hue that matched her eyes. Her hair was cropped close to her skull, highlighting the intriguing angles and planes of her features.

"He reminds me of father," William whispered. "People listen to and follow both of them."

Besides being a little disturbed by the association William had just made, Aria couldn't help but smile as she nodded in agreement.

"They will follow him." Aria turned toward William as she caught the hint of something in his tone. He seemed to have come to some sort of realization, one that saddened him. He smiled wanly at her, but it was forced, awkward and uncertain.

"William, what is it?"

He shook his head, looking like he was about to say something, but Braith interrupted him. "Arianna, William." Forcing her face to remain impassive, she straightened her shoulders and appeared indifferent toward Braith as she moved slowly toward him. She was well aware of the fact that they were all watching her and William questioningly.

"Their father is the leader of the rebel cause closest to the palace. David is gathering support there for what we are about to undergo." Aria met each of their gazes as Braith continued on. "Jericho, who now goes by the name Jack, has been working with David for awhile now and is helping with this undertaking. Melinda has returned to the palace to be our eyes and ears on the inside."

"Will the humans follow this David?" Xavier inquired.

"People will follow our father," William informed him. "They've followed our family in one form or another for almost ninety years, and they will continue to do so. Especially if there is a chance to end the fear, starvation, and death we live with everyday."

"I met your father once," Frank said. He rose slowly as he ran a hand through his dark hair. "It was years ago but he was a good man and I remember being impressed by him. I think your mother was pregnant with you both at the time. He is right; David will be able to rally many to the fight."

"Are you willing to fight?" Gideon inquired.

Frank was fixated on a spot behind Braith's shoulder. Then he slowly looked at William and finally her. "I'm not sure how many of my people will be willing to jump into this fray. We don't know what you know; we've never experienced the life that you have. Though, it would be nice to put an end to the apprehension that the king may one day discover us."

"What about you Frank, will you join us?" Braith pushed.

"I am willing to help. I can't say how many will come with me but my second in command, Marshall, can run things while I'm away. I'd like to move the rest of my people into the vampire towns until this is over, and I'd like to keep them all together, if possible."

"There will be room for them here," Gideon offered.

Frank nodded. "Thank you."

"There will be the matter of the king himself," Saul said. "It will not be easy to remove your father Braith. He's the strongest one of us; he hasn't managed to stay alive and retain such an iron tight hold because he is weak. I don't know anyone who could take him out one on one..."

"Braith can," Ashby interrupted.

Aria's breath froze in her lungs; every muscle in her body went rigid. There was no love lost between Braith and his father, but for the son to destroy the father...

It was unthinkable. And she wasn't sure that Braith could do it, that he could survive the consequences of it. Their probing gazes latched onto Braith. "Braith is powerful, yes, but the king has years on him, experience and cruelty, and a viciousness that none of us possess. Those are all driving motivators that make the king the deadliest one of us," Saul continued.

"They are," Braith confirmed. "We'll just have to make sure that more than one of us goes after him when the time comes."

"Even then..."

"Braith can take him," Ashby cut Saul off firmly. Aria shot him a dark look, irritated that he kept pushing the issue. She ground her teeth, clenching her jaw as she bit back a sharp retort.

"It's his father," William blurted.

"And he wouldn't hesitate to strike down his son," Ashby reminded Copyright 2016 - 2024