Redesigning Fate (Revive #1) - A. M. Wilson Page 0,36

disappeared after I met Travis, though. He was more interested in computer or video games. Eventually, I let those become my hobbies too. I can already feel my competitiveness rising to the surface.

“I’m going to get off my first throw, and then you can try. Watch me.”

Elias takes a few steps back behind the line painted on the ground, so I back up as well. Immediately, it becomes clear that this is a big part of his life. The way that he’s holding the disc, stretching his arm back and forth in front of him a few times as if visualizing the shot. His knees are slightly bent, and he seems to bounce on the balls of his feet. He takes about three steps forward, bringing the disc back before snapping his arm and sending the disc sailing through the trees. I almost lose sight of it, it moves so quickly. He must practice often.

“That looked like a good one to me!” I exclaim, the thrill of doing something new racing through my bloodstream.

He grins and stalks toward me. “I’m glad you think so. It felt pretty good.” With my mind completely on spotting where his disc landed, I let out a huff when Elias grabs my hips firmly in his hands and pulls me tightly against him. He threads his left hand through my hair, gripping it tightly at the base of my skull, and presses his lips hotly against my own. My eyes slam closed, and he whispers there, “Your turn.”

My eyes crack open to half-mast. I lick my lips while trying to calm my heaving lungs. “What was that for?”

The weight of his hands settle on my shoulders. He spins me around to face the goal once more. “I’m just making things interesting,” he says while sliding his nose along my neck.

If this were a cartoon, now would be the time of the audible gulp. I am so screwed.

My body is shaking in laughter as we make our way to the fourth tee. Turns out, disc golf is a lot harder than it looks. It takes much more skill that simply throwing a disc at a metal basket.

“You’ve got to loosen up. You’re using your arm way too much. Your torso should be doing most of the work, and as you swing your arm around, you need to snap your wrist.”

“Do you know how hard it is to control that many parts of my body at the same time, all doing different things?” I tease.

He runs a hand through his messy hair. “Actually, yes. We are playing the same game, you know.”

“I think it’s safe to say I’m not a natural.”

“I’d have to agree.” The words are playful, but as we stand there in the early stages of twilight, his eyes flare with a look that translates straight into lust. One look sends my heart into a chaotic frenzy. One look fills my body with a need I haven’t felt in so long, I thought the mechanism was broken.

“Elias,” I whisper.

“Marlee,” he replies seconds before he closes the gap between us in two long strides. He wraps me tightly in his arms, and I clutch his shoulders for support as he lifts me. Wrapping my legs around his trim waist, I tangle my fingers into his sweat-dampened strands. I hum with the need racing through me.

Lips against lips, tongue against tongue, we come together with a bruising force of want. My ears buzz with silence—not the chirp of a bird or the shift of a leaf registers. All I can focus on is Elias, and how he makes me feel. I barely register the shift of our bodies, when suddenly, he’s kneeling above me and lowering me gently to the grass.

“I want you. I want you so damn bad. Tell me no, or this is happening.” His body is rigid with the force of holding himself away from me.

I look up through hooded eyes at the darkened sky, the canopy of trees opened slightly, giving a glimpse of the night’s first stars. Elias hovers above me, and I can’t help thinking about how right this feels. How calm the sight of him makes me. My voice doesn’t waver from its steady pitch when I reply, “Then take me.”

He groans deeply with his reply, “Thank Christ.”

That’s all it takes. Two short sentences before we’re a mass of limbs and clothing, clawing and grasping at whatever we can reach. He leans down and with his teeth, grazes my nipple Copyright 2016 - 2024