Redeeming the Reclusive Earl - Virginia Heath Page 0,79

eyes were so obviously not attempting the same came across as a grimace. ‘You draw very pretty sketches, Miss Jones.’

Pretty! She wanted to stamp on his sanctimonious foot. As if he sensed that, Max took charge. ‘I believe dinner is about to be served. Shall we?’

Miraculously, as if they had rehearsed it in advance, Smithson simultaneously opened the big double doors to welcome them all into the formal dining room. As the ranking peer, technically Lord Pompous should have walked through the big double doors first, but Max strode forward regardless, slanting her a heady glance which told her he had absolutely done it on purpose just for her when the disgruntled Marquess was forced to trail behind.

He solicitously escorted her to her chair and gave her hand a final squeeze of reassurance before he let go. Eleanor had done a splendid job of the table, which was fit for a royal banquet. The silver shone, the tall and ornate candelabra twinkled and there was a stunning arrangement of both flowers and fruits as a centrepiece which included a pineapple—the most expensive and rare of fruits. Lord only knew where she had found one on such short notice. Max was seated at one end, with Lord Denby and the mostly silent Lord Whittlesey, and she had been placed at the other flanked by the friendly faces of Sir Percival on one side and Max’s sister on the other.

As their host, Max made a toast welcoming them properly to Rivenhall on behalf of the both of them, which was another thoughtful touch, and then the soup was served.

‘Your fiancé was telling me you found a shield last week, Miss Jones?’

‘We did indeed, Sir Percival...’

‘Oh, do call me Percy. Sir Percival is such a mouthful.’

‘We should be delighted to drop the formalities, Percy. At least at this lowly end of the table. Please do call me Eleanor and this is Effie.’

‘We did indeed find a shield, Percy—well, Max did actually—and it is magnificent. I’ve searched through every research book and through all my back copies of Archaeologia and I cannot find any record of anything similar.’ She did her best to describe it while he listened intently, interrupting only with the most pertinent and sensible questions. It was obvious he was a true antiquarian in every sense of the word—knowledgeable, curious and with an enthusiasm which matched hers, but which seemed sadly lacking in the other two gentlemen from the society.

‘It has entirely altered our perception of the dwelling as it is so fine and so ceremonially decorative, I am becoming more convinced that we have stumbled upon the house of a tribal leader or an individual of great import. Max is convinced that person is also a woman because there have been several feminine items—like the bracelet alongside personal items like a comb and a rather delicate cloak pin.’

‘Really? How wonderful! A queen rather than a king. Your very own Boudicca.’

‘Obviously, it is too soon to be anything beyond speculation at this point, but certainly worth bearing in mind as we excavate the rest of the site. But the shield is breathtaking... I really cannot wait to show it to you.’

‘And I cannot wait to see it!’

‘Then why don’t the pair of you quickly pop out before the next course is served?’ Eleanor leaned forward conspiratorially. ‘I doubt the other gentlemen will notice as they seem thoroughly engrossed in their own conversation.’

Effie glanced down the table where they were indeed engrossed. As if he sensed her staring, Max’s eyes suddenly locked on hers and held for a moment, making her pulse quicken, before he returned his concentration to Lord Pompous on his right. He was different tonight. Every inch the Earl. Commanding and confident and effortlessly in charge despite the superior and snooty peer sat beside him. ‘We can’t. Leaving would be rude...’ And it would leave Max entirely exposed exactly as Eleanor had warned.

‘It is only rude, Effie dear, if we are being very formal and we have already decided to eschew that here in the cheap seats. Five minutes will not hurt.’ She glanced at her brother, then back at Effie before nudging her in the arm. ‘Go. Everything is well Copyright 2016 - 2024