Redeeming the Reclusive Earl - Virginia Heath Page 0,50

you will forgive the irony, he has been badly burned in more ways than one and finds it so very difficult to trust anyone any more. He never used to be like that. He never used to be so cynical, either, or so pessimistic. But since the accident and after Miranda ran roughshod over his heart, he has built walls around himself which he has allowed nobody to breach. Not even me. It worries me so much.’

‘Where is he now?’

‘Locked in his study, where I suspect he will remain for at least a week if his reaction to her wedding is anything to go by. This is a massive setback... When he was doing so well. I was beginning to see glimpses of the old Max. He seemed almost happy again and I credit you with that entirely, but...’ Eleanor slumped back into her chair and put her head in her hands. ‘We are back to square one again and heaven only knows how long it will take him to get over this latest blow.’

Effie wrapped her arm around her shoulders and squeezed in reassurance. ‘If he knew she was expecting, then chances are he was prepared for the news. Today it might have all got on top of him, but perhaps tomorrow he will rally?’

‘I was going to go home tomorrow. Just for a few days...’ The older woman shook her head before blowing noisily into her handkerchief. ‘I am sorry. I shouldn’t be dumping all my woes on you, Effie. I was just looking forward to seeing my family... Selfish, I know, but never mind. I am being silly. They will still be there in a few more weeks when hopefully this latest crisis has past...’

And now her heart wept for Eleanor who had stepped into the breach and coped with it all for so long. ‘You should still go see them. I can look after Max.’

‘No. I daren’t leave him. He needs me here. He might not appreciate that, and will undoubtedly disagree with it, but he needs me still. Maybe he will surprise me as you say and bounce back in a day or so.’ Her brave expression was unconvincing. ‘Once he has stopped lashing out at me, of course.’

‘And festering in self-pity.’

‘Yes. And that, too. You do seem to know him well.’

‘Do you think it would help if I tried to talk to him?’

‘I doubt he’ll see you, Effie. Or anyone. Not today at least. It’s too raw and he won’t appreciate the interference. Perhaps tomorrow?’

Chapter Thirteen

Two hundred and twenty-four squares of


Max stared at the wall and prayed the loud ticking clock upon it would somehow tick quicker and get this damned day over with. He was furious for feeling sorry for himself after all this time and livid that he couldn’t seem to stop.

He sensed her before her dark head poked through the study window and he cursed himself for not locking the damn thing the moment he had heard her in the hallway an hour before. How typical she would encroach where she was not wanted! Something he had suspected she would do because the damn woman had no boundaries. Which was probably exactly the reason why he had left it open on the off chance she might come. Heaven help him...

‘I found an axe head. A big one. Probably used for chopping wood rather than for battle judging by the shape of the blade. Battleaxes are a lot more showy and this one is nothing but practical. Of course, you would know that if you’d visited the dig site today...but as I can see, you are inordinately busy.’ She allowed her eyes to wander to the spot on the wall he had been staring at so intently. ‘What were you counting? Cracks in the plaster?’

‘Go away, Effie. I’m not in the mood.’

‘So I gather.’ She balanced one hip on the sill and settled her back against the frame so that he knew she had no intentions of going anywhere and bizarrely he felt inordinately relieved at the prospect. He needed something to be angry at other than his own inability to face facts and he needed Effie. Had been craving her comforting presence since Copyright 2016 - 2024