The Red Pole of Macau - By Ian Hamilton Page 0,61

day. Victoria Harbour was as beautiful as she had ever seen it. She checked her watch and calculated whether she had time to squeeze in a quick run in the park. It would be cutting it close, but all she had left to do was call the Citadel Company in Zhuhai, and then it would be a matter of waiting and thinking. Then her phone rang.

“May just called me from the Wuhan airport,” Uncle said. “She got an earlier flight, so she will be in by noon.”

“That’s good. Phone me when you pick her up and I’ll head over to the Macau ferry terminal.”

“I did reserve a helicopter. Go directly to that wing and we will meet you there.”

So much for a run, she thought as she called Zhuhai. “I got the specifications, thank you, but I’m not exactly technical and I’m having some problems understanding them. Fortunately I’m going to be in Zhuhai this afternoon, and I’m wondering if I could drop in to go over them with you. Where is your office?”

“We’re in the Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, but I’m afraid dropping in may not be possible. We have a very strict company policy about visitors.”

“Our chairwoman is going to be with me — Wong May Ling, the wife of Wong Changxiang. I’m sure you’ve heard of them.”

“Who hasn’t heard of him? He is the man behind your project?”


“I’ll talk to my boss. Let’s see if he’ll agree.”

“You can also tell him that Madam Wong is in Zhuhai to meet with General Feng from the Guangzhou Military Region headquarters. Ask your boss if he needs a recommendation from the General, because if he does, we’ll get it.”

“You know what, I’ll talk to my boss, but I think it will be okay for you to visit. Let’s just plan on it, shall we?”

“Somewhere between three and four?”

“My name is Su, I am director of sales. You are Ms. Lee, right? I’ll leave passes for you and Madam Wong at the security entrance.”

Guanxi, Ava thought as she hung up.

( 19 )

Ava stood to one side of the entrance to the helipad. There was hardly a customer in sight, a situation that would change when it got to Friday and the gamblers were anxious to make an early start.

She wore her best professional clothes: black linen slacks, pink Brooks Brothers shirt with modified Italian collar, crocodile stilettos; her hair was pulled back and secured with her lucky ivory chignon pin. She wore as little makeup as she could without looking washed out, just a touch of red lipstick and some black mascara. When she had met May Ling in Wuhan, the older woman had worn no jewellery, and Ava had mimicked her there. But not today — she had her gold crucifix around her neck and her Cartier Tank Française watch on her wrist. By Hong Kong princess standards, she looked almost like a pauper.

They appeared at the farthest end of the terminal, walking slowly side by side. Ava tried to figure out who was keeping up with whom. Uncle was in his black suit and open-necked white shirt. May Ling shone in the same pink and white Chanel skirt and jacket she’d worn when Ava met her for the first time in Wuhan. Was that deliberate? In any event, she looked stunning, and she walked gracefully, erect but flowing, without an iota of self-consciousness. Ava had never seen anyone so elegant and so intimidating at the same time. As she worked her way towards the gate, Ava noticed the attention May was drawing. There wasn’t a man she walked past who didn’t stop, turn, and stare.

Ava stepped forward so that she would be visible. Uncle gave a little wave, May a tentative smile. This is too awkward, Ava thought. She walked towards them, more purposeful than graceful, but drawing her own share of attention.

May Ling held out her hand. Ava moved past it, slipped her hand around May’s waist, and leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. “Thanks for coming,” she said.

May was flustered. Uncle beamed. “You know what everyone is thinking? ‘What is that old man doing with the two most beautiful women in Hong Kong?’”

“The helicopter is leaving in five minutes. We’d better board,” Ava said.

“How long is the flight?” asked May.

“About fifteen minutes.”

“I called the General from the car. He’s sent someone to meet us at the Macau terminal and drive us to Zhuhai,” May said, calmer now.

“We have to go now,” Ava said to Uncle.

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