Red Planet Blues - By Robert J. Sawyer Page 0,36

cold case.”

I thought about quipping, “They’re all cold cases on Mars,” but that wasn’t up to my usual standard of repartee so I kept my yap shut. Still, it wasn’t like I had any other work, and a cold case was win-win: if I didn’t solve it, no one could blame me, and if I did, well, even better. “As you know, my fee is three hundred solars an hour, plus expenses.” That was the same as I’d charged him the last time; it was a hundred more than what I’d quoted the transfer I’d thought was Cassandra Wilkins, but I have a soft spot for damsels in distress.

Pickover didn’t look happy. Then again, with his current face, he probably couldn’t look happy. “Deal,” he said. “When can you begin?”

“Not so fast. There’s one more thing.”


“I need to examine the evidence, as you paleontologists would say, in situ.”

“You want to see the Alpha Deposit?”

“Can’t do the job otherwise.”

Pickover looked at me the way Gollum would have if you’d asked to try on his ring. “But I have to protect those fossils.”

“Don’t you trust me?” I said, batting my baby blues.

“I was going to say—and you’ll forgive me—‘about as far as I can throw you,’ but given how low Martian gravity is and how strong I am now, that’s pretty darn far.” He was quiet for a time, and I let him be so. “But, yes, I suppose I do trust you.”

To which my inner voice said, “Idiot”—but my outer voice said, “Thanks.”

“You do understand how precious the fossils out there are?” he asked. “To science, I mean?”

“Oh, yes,” I replied. “They’re invaluable.” And I, at least, could still flash a killer smile. “To science, I mean.”


After Dr. Pickover left my office, I settled in for some research. I started by confirming what he’d told me. He was right about the land-mine model, and that it had been made in Malaysia. I’d been to a lot of places on good old Mother Earth before I—ahem—had to leave, but that wasn’t one of them.

I found a useful site that gave instructions for disarming Caldera-7 mines, and I took note of the procedure. In the exact center of each circular disk, there was a hole three centimeters in diameter. Pushing a probe into that would depress the disarm switch; pressure anywhere else on the surface would blow the mine up.

I had been hoping to somehow gain access to Brisance’s customer database; I thought maybe Juan Santos could hack into it for me. One could access Earth computer networks from Mars, but the time lag varied from three minutes to twenty-two when we had line of sight to Earth, and was even longer at conjunction, when the signal had to be relayed behind the sun. Hacking that way would have driven Juan crazy, so he’d have probably farmed the work out to some Earthside black hat. But Brisance had gone out of business eleven years ago, and, given the kind of equipment it had made, I suspected all its customer records had been wiped back then.

And, anyway, they might not have sold direct to consumer. Indeed, the land mines might have been purchased here on Mars. Judging by the dilapidated condition of the mine Rory had brought to my office, it’d been in the ground a long time. So many Martian businesses had gone bankrupt, though, that I didn’t hold out much hope for finding out who might have bought anything decades ago. But it was the best lead I had, and so I headed into the center of the dome and dropped in on New Klondike’s Finest to see if they had any records of busting someone for selling land mines here.

Sergeant Huxley was behind his long red counter when I came in, and I did the tip-of-the-hat thing in his general direction. “Well, well, well, Hux, fancy meeting you here!”

“Ain’t my lucky day,” Hux said. “Seeing you.”

“No sirree,” I replied. “Your lucky day would be one on which flabby came back into style.”

“And yours,” said Hux, for once rising to the occasion, “would be one on which people decided that beady eyes look good on anything other than a weasel.”

“Hey,” I said, “my eyes are private. Says so right on my business card.”

“You’re a dick,” Huxley said.

“In the nonvulgar sense. But you’re one in the other sense.”

I’d literally seen gears move in Pickover’s head earlier today; here, I only got to figuratively watch them as Huxley tried to process this. Finally, he Copyright 2016 - 2024